AAP: Dan Himbrechts

Why Australia Keeps Changing Prime Minister

7 August 2019

4.5 MINS

You may be shocked to discover the Bible addresses why Australia keeps changing Prime Minister!
Sadly, our frequent change of PM is the butt of many jokes. While Australians may laugh about it, simultaneously the nation is frustrated, disgusted, and has lost trust in politicians.

Australia has had 7 different Prime Ministers in 11 years (between 2007 and 2018), and only 4 of them won an election! Asking who is Australia’s PM is no longer deemed a fair question when hospitals test patient’s memory or cognitive function.

  1. John Howard – 12 years (1996-2007)
  2. Kevin Rudd – 2.5 years (2007-2010)
  3. Julia Gillard – 3 years (2010-2013)
  4. Kevin Rudd – 2.5 months (2013)
  5. Tony Abbott – 2 years (2013-2015)
  6. Malcolm Turnbull – 3 years (2015-2018)
  7. Scott Morrison – ? (24th August 2018)

Some blame the parliamentary system—and processes have been put in place to try and stop the problem. But the Bible gives a much more serious reason than a flawed system. Israel too suffered from the same malady. Shockingly: the Biblical explanation is rebellion!

Rebellion is active resistance against an authority, an established government or leader. When man rejects God’s voice and His Word, it is a direct challenge to the authority of Yahweh, the Creator. According to Psalm 2, Australia and Israel are not the only countries guilty of rebellion against God.

Look at how the power-brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and His Anointed King, saying:Let’s come together and break away from the Creator.’

God Enthroned merely laughs at them: ‘I Myself have poured out My King on Zion, My holy mountain. Listen to Me, all you rebel-kings and all you upstart judges of the earth. Learn your lesson while there’s still time. Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God. Recognize His greatness and bow before Him…’”
~ Psalm 2 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

When the first king of Israel lost his throne, a critical pattern was established. God set a precedent. In explaining to Saul why he had lost his kingship, Samuel prophesied:

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.”

Kings of Israel would succeed or fail based on this principle. They were all judged to be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ on the one simple assessment—they obeyed or disobeyed the Word of the Lord. King David was a good king, despite his bad behaviour, because he did ‘all God’s will’.

The answer to Australia’s constant change of Prime Minister is found specifically in Proverbs 28:2,

“A rebellious nation will have one leader after another.”
(TPT alternative reading)

Though perhaps not quite so blunt, other translations say similarly.

New King James Version (NKJV): “Because of the transgression of a land, many are its princes”

Names of God Bible (NOGB): “When a country is in revolt, it has many rulers”

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB): “A land which transgresses [is punished by] having many rulers.”

As the Passion Translation says,

“A rebellious nation is thrown into chaos…”

Where there is rebellion there is chaos. When you keep changing the leader of your nation, there is chaos! Australia has witnessed that. But across the world we see political chaos as nations flirt with secularism, socialism and despots as they wilfully reject and violate God’s Word.

Samuel’s prophetic word to King Saul equated rebellion with witchcraft. The word witchcraft evokes an array of imagery. While occult activity can be involved, as was seen in King Saul’s later life, according to Galatians 5:20 it can be as simple as the desires of human flesh which opposes God’s ways. Put another way, as Frank Sinatra sang; “I did it my way”. Saul rejected the Word of God and placed his own will above God’s. In the words of Martin Luther, “Where God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel.”

Rebellion challenges God, creating anarchy, disarray and chaos. But Almighty God has the last say. His voice silences all chaos.

Chaos once challenged You… Yet at the sound of Your voice they were all stilled by Your might. What a majestic King, filled with power!”
(Psalm 93:3,4 TPT)

  • Every ruler is ultimately under God’s authority. Whether called a King, President or Prime Minister, authority to govern is given by God. We may live in a secular society, but ultimately, God reigns over nations. “He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings.” (Daniel 2:21)
  • We are in a season, when God is preparing the way for Yeshua to return to earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. Every knee will bow before Him. As He did with David, God is again looking for Himself a king. Therefore watch what happens to ungodly ‘kings’ in this season.
  • Paul says we are to pray for kings and politicians so we can live in peace as we worship and obey God. (1 Timothy 2:2) Peace and prosperity are benefits of being in alignment with God’s throne. Praying for political leaders is also a prayer for them to align with God—so we can live in peace, and be free to worship God.
  • The Church influences nations. Therefore we should allow Him to examine our hearts. Is there rebellion and witchcraft within the Church that needs repenting of? Repentance is more than saying sorry, it is about making changes to attitudes and behaviour. In what areas are we not obeying Him? What changes need to be made to ensure, we the Church obey Him?

Australia has been called to be one of the Southlands of the Holy Spirit i.e. a land filled with the Holy Spirit. Yet in the last decade, the revolving door of Prime Ministers points to a root of rebellion in our nation. We cannot be simultaneously a nation filled with the Holy Spirit, yet also a place where rebellion rules. Yes, both political parties have put rules in place to stop the revolving door on Prime Ministers. But if rebellion remains, chaos will find a way.

Right now Australia has a Pentecostal Prime Minister. God has given us a window of grace. But will this window remain open?

Will we use this critical time to call upon the Lord? Will we intercede to discover the rebellious root and place it in the fire of God? Will we pray for this nation to shift from rebellion to being ablaze with the Holy Spirit?

Will we pray according to Proverbs 28:2 for “leaders anointed with wisdom to restore law and order”?

Perhaps the Lord is using Australia to shine His truth on the link between rebellion and chaos and between obedience and Holy Spirit Presence and blessing?

It is no coincidence 2019 is the year the Lord is calling watchman to watch and roar! We are not to be like ‘dogs that don’t bark’! Rather we need to be aware and speak loudly so nations will align with the throne of Yahweh and His Word.

According to the Lord’s Prayer, let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in Israel, Australia and the nations, as it is in Heaven!


Photo: Dan Himbrechts / AAP

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