Ruth Institute President Warns: Big Tech has become Big Brother

15 August 2019

1.6 MINS

“It’s been a month since the White House conference on social media censorship and nothing has changed,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., founder and president of the Ruth Institute.

Twitter recently banned a video posted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. “Twitter said the video’s ‘violent language’ violated its standards,” Dr. Morse stated. “But the threats were being directed against McConnell by activists demonstrating at his home. If social media giants like Twitter can do this to the leader of the United States Senate, imagine what they can do to ordinary pro-family groups,” Morse observed.

She cited the recent example of Google’s refusal to run ads for the movie “Unplanned” and Amazon’s decision to ban books about conversion therapy. “The Sexual Revolutionaries can’t answer our arguments, so they suppress, suppress, suppress,” Morse charged. “Their Big Tech allies have become Big Brother, protecting us from thoughts that disturb their regime.”

Commenting on Google’s treatment of Unplanned, Dr. Morse noted:

“This film is based on a true story, about the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic who quit after watching a sonogram of an abortion for the first time. This woman had been kept in the dark about the nature of abortion. Now Google tried to keep moviegoers in the dark about one of the first general-release films to expose Planned Parenthood.”

Dr. Morse also noted Amazon’s decision to ban books about Conversion Therapy, which offers hope to adults experiencing unwanted same-sex attraction. These include the works of the late Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, considered by many to be the father of Conversion Therapy. Amazon caved to pressure from gay activists.

“For heaven’s sake, what are they afraid of?” Morse asked.

“For years, we have been told no one can be harmed by a book. Unless, of course, it is a book that contains ideas they don’t like. Amazon banned books containing the testimony of people who were once gay, and who now live a different life. These people defy the ‘born that way’ article of sexual revolutionary faith. So, naturally Big Tech Brother want to ban them.”

Morse concluded:

“We invite those interested in factual analysis and the unvarnished truth to visit the Ruth Institute’s website.”

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization equipping Christians to defend the family in the public arena and build a Civilization of Love.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, write in here.

[Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash]

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One Comment

  1. John Mathai 16 August 2019 at 7:37 am - Reply

    Control of the media is another form of terrorism by stealth.

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