PROLIFE PRAYER DAY 24: Tsunami of Love

24 August 2019

4.2 MINS

We win the war to stop abortion in Australia by using completely different tactics than our enemy – the way of love. We inquire of the Lord, and we endeavour to know Him in a deep loving way. As we love the Lord with all we are, we learn what a faithful, powerful, relentless Lover of our souls He really is. The more we know Him and are known by Him, the more we love Him and love others. Love flows like living water; it never runs dry, and we can drink of His love in worship, and let His love flow through us to those around us by His Spirit.

God Is Love

Those who are loved by God, let His love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love. Everyone who loves is fathered by God and experiences an intimate knowledge of Him.”
~ 1 John 4:7 TPT

What do we use to fight? How does our nation shift? Scott Morrison said it clearly: the Church needs more love, less judgment.

More love is a weapon of such power that it completely confounds and enrages the enemy.

He hates the lovers of God — when they love, they carry a realm of such goodness, kindness, peace, joy, patience, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. We carry hope in the Lord and influence those around us with effective power to change hearts.

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
Romans 5:5 NKJV

Gratitude Overflows as a Mighty Love Tsunami

For God has proved His love by giving us His greatest treasure, the gift of His Son. And since God freely offered Him up as the sacrifice for us all, He certainly won’t withhold from us anything else He has to give.
~ Romans 8:32 TPT

We have love in our hearts, as we appreciate the cross and remember all Christ has done for us. We realise we have been forgiven much – the fragrance of love then pours out of us like a fragrant love offering to Jesus, as we choose to release the most potent weapon, LOVE. In the presence of this fragrance of Jesus, there is a manifestation of life to those being saved and death to those who are perishing.

For we are to God a sweet fragrance of Christ among those who are saved and among those who perish.
~ 2 Cor 2:15 MEV

When the silent Australians start to speak words that carry pure love without hidden agenda, we will see things shift in our nation like a mighty Tsunami — abortion bills defeated, euthanasia stopped, addictions broken, suicide rates diminish, prostitution and pornography lose their potency and disintegrate.

When the Ekklesia arise and recognise whom they carry in their hearts and make Him known with or without words by the consecrated intension of loving others, then something will break open over this nation that will be uncontainable. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of You until my heart overflows.
~ Psalm 23:5

Last census showed Christianity is still the main religion in Australia, with 12 million people, and 86 per cent of religious Australians, identifying as Christians. Imagine if Christ Who dwells within each one began to pour out of us with His fragrant love to the community around us in such measure that it created a shift for life in this nation. With His Spirit flooding our land comes wisdom, understanding, fear of the Lord, knowledge, might, and counsel to infiltrate how we legislate, educate, do business, relate as family, thrive economically, what we produce, eat and how we love.

It has already started a tsunami of love! God is love, therefore it’s a tsunami of Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Watch [here]:

This Oroville (California) video helps convey something of the Ekklesia vision to see God’s love transform a region.


Prayer: Father, thank You that You loved the world so much You sent Your Son to die to redeem each one of us. Now Lord, help us to love with some of Your incredible passion for the lost. This week Lord, we ask for salvation for key people who will be catalysts for change, with all that needs changing in this nation. Thank You for all You have done to give more time to stop the abortion bill in NSW. We ask for those who need to hear the strategy and implement the blueprints to defeat the bill entirely. Lord, set up a block entirely to the SA abortion bill. Let Your fragrance of life draw many lost into Your kingdom, and bring them from death to life in You. May they be radical changers of society to shift this nation back to righteousness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer Points:

  • That every blockage to the Tsunami of love pouring out of the hearts of all Christians be unstopped, and pure love flow like a drink to those who are being saved.
  • That salvation comes now to so many influential people, and makes disciples of all people, that it brings radical cultural change in our nation in the next five years; that people will look back and see a great shift for righteousness, justice, mercy, and life for the unborn has overtaken abortion in our nation.
  • That all Christians will ‘recover’ time to read the word of God, and meditate on it day and night; and they be equipped with all that is given to know the Lord, and be used mightily by Him to activate the change in culture, from darkness to light in every sphere.

Spend time today listening to the Lord, and Pray what is on His Heart.


Today as we stand together ‘as one’ in prayer and fasting may the Lord:

STOP the proposed Abortion Reform Bill in South Australia – Statutes Amendment (Abortion Law Reform) Bill.

STOP the New South Wales Abortion BillThe Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019

Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia!

SHIFT the culture of this Nation to Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice

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NOTE: The Canberra Declaration will post daily Devotions from Ann Browne every day for the 31-Day Period and on the Canberra Declaration Facebook. Please share the links and send out to your friends. Thank you.

[Photo by Court Prather on Unsplash]

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