The Daily Declaration

Pray for Rain Day 5: Discovering our Authority in Praying for Rain

5 October 2019

1.9 MINS

by Kym Farnik, Ruach ha-Kodesh Ministries

The challenge of the drought, strength of the Church and the humility to ask for rain relying on God’s grace.

Key Scriptures

We in Australia are a nation of sinners who have sinned against God, including murdering our children and elderly, ignoring God’s moral law, and all manner of other actions against the Lord and His word.

So, do we have a right to pray for rain? Quite simply we do not deserve rain or any of the blessings we have from living in this amazing land called Australia. It is only by God’s grace that we have life and all the blessings of this land. It is His grace that allows us to ask for rain.

We the Ekklesia#1 can stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30) in identificational repentance for Australia. Unlike Ezekiel there are people willing to say we will pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) and we are so grateful to all who stand with us for Australia during this month of prayer and fasting.

When we pray on behalf of someone else (the nation in this instance), we are standing in the gap on behalf of that person/nation before God. We are engaging in spiritual warfare on behalf of that person/nation.

Standing confidently in His grace and love enables us to pray effectively in faith. We have no other right than the shed blood of Jesus to ask for anything. But! What a right His sacrifice has won for us in that we have open free access to His throne.

Paul preaching to the pagans in Lystra Acts 14:17 says, “He (God) did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”

So, we can ask for rain as a blessing and also ask for repentance and renewal in this land of Australia. In fact, it is incumbent upon us as believers to pray for the nation.

#1 Ekklesia – Jesus used the Greek word Ekklesia to describe the Church. The word means “assembly, congregation, council”, or “convocation”. It carries a meaning of governmental authority. Jesus said Matthew 16:18b “on this rock I will build My Ekklesia, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

Lord God, revive and renew Your Ekklesia (the Church) beginning with me that we may stand in Your righteousness and grace.
Forgive us our sins and the sins of this land of Australia.
Heal our wounds, give us joy in our faith, draw all to share Your life, and use us all in Your service.
We humbly ask for rain in the time of rain; we give thanks for this land of Australia and all the good gifts You give us.
For Jesus Christ’s sake, Lord of the Ekklesia, build us the Ekklesia together in unity and oneness in You, that we may declare the Gospel of Your Kingdom.

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  16. […] The challenge of the drought, strength of the Church and the humility to ask for rain relying on God’s grace.Refer here to Canberra Declaration […]

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