Schoolies 2019: Drugs, Death, Drinking… and Disciple-Making

31 December 2019

3.6 MINS

What Schoolies taught me about the Australian Church.

I’m 33, very happily married, with three amazing children, and I just went on my very first “Schoolies”.

It was a drug- and alcohol-fueled sea of youth, and I absolutely loved it.

In fact, I loved it so much, I didn’t just go to one, I went to two. Phillip Island and the Gold Coast.

I loved Schoolies, because Schoolies was yet another reminder of the absolute beauty of the Australian Church.

I didn’t go to drink or take drugs, and I didn’t go to party, and I certainly didn’t go to “pick up”. But I did have one of what Schoolies is promoted as: “the best week(s) of (my) life”.

I was one of thousands of Australian Christians who flooded Schoolies events across the nation to both keep this generation of School Leavers safe, and be a light to our youth. I went up to Schoolies with Youth for Christ, but we weren’t alone, we were surrounded by the “Red Frogs Crew”, Power to Change, and many other believers out to make a difference.

And a difference is exactly what we made! I was a part of seeing hundreds of Australian youth impacted with a message of hope, of Jesus’ love, and of Jesus’ life, as ministries shared the love of Jesus through their words. I saw thousands receive Jesus’ love in action through an army of volunteers, as young Christians held “schoolies” while they vomited, walked with them when they couldn’t walk, and made sure they were hydrated and home safe.

In a world where many in the media seem intent on bashing Australian Christians, such as sporting greats Margaret Court and Israel Folau, as being archaic, offensive and divisive, I was reminded that the Australian Church is actually extremely relevant and an incredible force for the unity, and the peace and prosperity of our nation.

What’s more, I was in awe of the reality that this generation is desperate for what Jesus has to offer, as I witnessed youth after youth thank the Australian Church for being exactly as she has always been (or at least is meant to be), true to the Bible, true to our convictions, and full of love and a message of grace and mercy for all those around us. It struck me that it may actually be some in the Australian media and far-left lobbies, that are actually the more archaic, offensive and divisive members of our society.

I recall a young person saying to me, “Hey what does Jesus think of lesbians!?” as she kissed another girl in front of me. I replied, “Jesus loves everyone, and Jesus loves you!” She was so amazed that I, a Christian, wasn’t as the media had painted me. She came over with tears in her eyes to listen to the reality of Jesus, that He can save you and give you a new life.

I recall one young person coming up to me and asking me, “Why are you doing what you are doing?” 20 minutes later he was thanking me profusely for the way I was being the church amongst a sea of people who I was reminded again and again, by him and his peers, “really need Jesus.”

I recall a young man telling our team, “Thank God you’re here, I have so many questions.”

You see many young people won’t walk into a church these days (because of all the negative press), but they are so thankful when the church walks into them.

One young person apologetically told one of our team, “I’m sorry for being a #@*&, I was just so mad because you are so right and you’re actually a top bloke.”

One young man texted me saying his interaction with me means he is now going to reconnect with Jesus.

Another youth said that meeting the “Jesus People” was the highlight of their Schoolies.

I could go on.

The church in action truly is a marvellous movement. Gold Coast locals are singing the praises of “Red Frogs” (an organization that is made up predominantly of local Church volunteers), as despite the tragic death this year of one school leaver who fell from his hotel balcony, serious injuries and deaths have reduced since they began to serve Schoolies.

The reality is that religious volunteers, the vast majority Christian, donate over $480 Million Dollars worth of manpower to the Australian economy every year.

We the Australian Christian community, the church, aren’t the enemy; in fact, we are one of Australia’s greatest allies, especially of this next generation. We believe in their good, their potential, their future. We believe that every single person is made in the image of God and that their life matters so very much. We believe they can have a solid identity, a solid foundation for life, and even more than that, a secure eternity in Christ.

My prayer is that soon, very soon, the media would be dominated with what I heard again and again this Schoolies as we shared Jesus’ love. “Thank you Church for being here, don’t be silent, speak up, you bring the message we so desperately need, the message of Jesus!”

PS: You can join me in reaching this generation for Jesus. Youth for Christ Australia is holding our annual Gathering / Conference in February in Canberra, Australia’s Capital Territory. If you’re a Christian with a heart for Australia’s youth to know Jesus, I’d love to see you there. Find out more at


Originally published at The Scarboroughs.

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  1. Warwick 31 December 2019 at 7:27 am - Reply

    Congratulations Andrew. This is a really great article. Soli Deo Gloria!

  2. Helen Curtis 31 December 2019 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Great news indeed!

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