39 Days of Mercy: Day 8 – Let Light Shine in Darkness

8 January 2020

5.1 MINS

A Great Light.

There is a call to pray as one today, that the light of Jesus be revealed in the hearts and minds of those who are having — or considering having — an abortion.

“The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.
And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow,
a light has shined.”
~ Matthew 4:16 NLT

Now may His light expose the things hidden, expose deception and expose the darkness that is hellbent on death and destruction of human life. Jesus suffered and died to pay for every person to be transferred into the Kingdom of Light and have eternal life.

The enemy’s tactic – No match for Faith

The time is short, so the enemy continually uses what he knows has worked in the past — lies and deception — to blind the minds of people, to bring them into bondage and death, and to deceive humanity to their demise.

Satan, who is the god of this world,
has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe.
They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News.
They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ,
Who is the exact likeness of God.”
2 Corinthians 4:4 NLT

We are told to stay alert (1 Peter 5:8), and by faith we shut the enemy’s mouth.
The enemy, and the war, rages like a roaring lion, but as in times past, those of faith overcome —

By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice,
and received what God had promised them. They shut the mouths of lions.”
~ Hebrews 11:33 NLT

Opening of Blind Eyes

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
~ John 1:5 NLT

Light overcomes darkness every time! Young men and women who are contemplating an abortion, or who are using abortion more than once instead of contraception, are in need of the revelation of the light of the Gospel and to have their eyes opened to God’s Truth.

The Easy Way Out – The Deception

Young women for the past 50 years in our nation have been offered an easy way out to “deal” with an unplanned pregnancy. Mostly they have suffered guilt and shame.
Many times they were advised or even coerced by others to simply abort their ‘unwanted child.’
Those women often are heard crying in the recovery room;
some have nightmares that start after their abortion and never stop.
They may be plagued with depression, suicidal thoughts, shame and mental torment.

Most were just told how simple, quick and effective this “procedure” would be — DECEPTION.
We are to expose the lies and deception.

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.
~ Ephesians 5:11 NLT

Watch this video about reducing the gestation limit:




Prayer: Father, there is no one like You; You are El Roi, ‘the God who sees’.
You rescued Hagar and Ishmael from certain death in the wilderness.
Come now, Lord, and rescue many other women and children who are in desperate need
all over our nation right now. Lord, just as You brought them back to the family of Abraham
so they would thrive, bring those who have no place into Your Kingdom of Light in these days.
Lord, cause Your Church to step up to take care of the widow and the orphan in new unprecedented ways that include salvation, deliverance and discipleship.
Let everything be done in pure love, and with Your power to push back evil and shut it out of our nation.
Lord, expose darkness in these days from every corner, and place where it has lodged.
Expose the darkness even in our lives; as Your light shines brighter,
may we walk humbly and powerfully praying in the light of all You give us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Today as we come humbly to place flowers on the steps of Parliament House in memory of over 220,000 unborn children who have tragically lost their lives through abortion over the past 50 years, may those who see this great outpouring of love, and hurting because of abortion, be drawn to those who can comfort them with the truth of the Gospel. May it also touch everyone passing, and cause them to stop and consider the great sadness of these lost lives.

Prayer for our elected Parliamentarians:
We uphold today in prayer Liberal MP Hon Stephan Karl Knoll, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government, Minister for Planning, member for the electorate of Schubert. Thank You for Stephan’s righteous leadership in the recent Prostitution Bill; may he continue to be lead by the Holy Spirit, and make this same bold stand to defend the unborn and protect women against the upcoming Abortion Reform Bill.
We also pray for Labor MLC Hon Clare Michelle Scriven, who has courageously defended life at every opportunity. Thank You for Clare’s dedication to protection of the vulnerable in our society, from the unborn to the elderly. Father, we ask for Your supernatural protection and wisdom for both Stephan and Clare in the upcoming months; at every turn, guide them and anoint every word out of their mouths that lines up with Your perfect will for South Australia. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

Prayer Points:

  • Let Your glorious Light expose the worthless deeds of darkness surrounding the hard push for late term Abortion in Australia.
  • May light shine on those who have been deceived into a way of life that leads only to guilt, shame, torment and seared consciences.
  • May light bring healing, hope and freedom.
  • Lord, lift off the mind-blinding spirits the enemy has put over people in our nation — let them see Jesus, and understand the message of the Gospel.
  • May many more pro-life counsellors be able to bring real solutions to those who need them. Let’s pray that the light shines on this need, and that trained counsellors who are pro-life are given favour for positions of influence to give hope and help to these women.
  • Expose evil deeds and shut the lions’ mouths in these days. May those who are about to be devoured by the enemy’s roar and lies find the way of life and light in Jesus Christ.
  • May the Church take an active role in being the solution as they carry light — may even governments and medical systems be changed to reflect Your Kingdom culture.
  • Lord, let Your light that is in Your people bring revelation wherever it is needed in these days, to expose darkness and overcome it.
  • Pray that every Christian who comes into contact with a person considering an abortion will discern them in their need. May they have wisdom and courage as they speak up and take action to do what the Lord puts on their hearts to do, in order to bring comfort, support and solutions to the “problem” of unwanted pregnancies.

Spend time today listening to the Lord and Pray what is on His Heart.

His mercy endures forever!

Today we stand together as one in prayer and fasting for grace to:

  • STOP the Greens Abortion Reform Bill from being passed in South Australia’s Parliament.
  • Bring radical amendments to the existing Abortion Law in favour of life for the unborn and safeguards for mothers.
  • Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia.
  • SHIFT the culture of this Nation to the Kingdom of Heaven with Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice on earth as it is in Heaven.

TODAY: Sorry SA Day
The enactment of legalised abortion began in Adelaide on January 8th 1970.
On the 50th anniversary, Wednesday 8th January 2020, Right to Life SA are leading a Memorial Day.
It is an open invitation to place flowers on the steps of Parliament, anytime from 6am – 6pm,
to show we care about the many lives lost and harmed during the last 50 years.

Walk for Life
Saturday 8th February 2020, 9.30 – 11.30 a.m., Victoria Square.

[Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash]

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