39 Days of Mercy: Day 11 – Vengeance of our God

11 January 2020

4.1 MINS

Saving the Next Generation – Lives Worth Fighting For!

Over many generations, Australians have had many young men and women go off to war –
those who are willing to lay down their lives for their loved ones and our nation.

There are also those who stayed behind constantly praying for those on the front line,
and who carried the intercession for the battle before the Throne of Grace for protection and victory.

We are in a time of pursuit and recovery of everything that has been stolen (1 Samuel 30:8).
We are no longer only defending territory but taking the offensive!

It is a time of advancing the Kingdom of God and recovering all that has been taken from us.
Double for our former shame (Isaiah 61:7), it has been much in the lives that have been aborted in our nation over 50 years; it has been the emotional well-being of women and their families!

We are “to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God
…”(Isaiah 61:2).
We do not want to come in a spirit of retaliation,
but we acknowledge our righteous God is also a God of justice.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath;
for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.”
Romans 12:19

“For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations.”
~ Psalm 100:5

Triumphal Procession
Jesus always leads us in triumphant procession! We know there is an enemy that wants to destroy us and our nation. We know Christian ethics and values are being confronted fiercely, daily, all around us. We know our enemy is the father of lies.

People are being deceived, not knowing what is behind these terms and phrases presented in the Abortion Bills. The terminology for women having a modern law decriminalizing abortion without restraint to many can sound so right – but it’s actually evil being presented as good.

Emotionalism without wisdom has no place in government. Life in the womb is not the property of the woman carrying the child, but a gift from above to nurture and protect to continue life on the earth, and to flourish for eternity.

The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart to all generations.

~ Psalm 33:11

The Authority of the Son

Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise. The Father loves the Son and shows Him all that He Himself is doing; and He will show him greater works than these, so that you will be astonished.”
~ John 5:19-20

Jesus went out early in the morning to pray, before He faced the desperate crowds
and those who were wanting to kill Him – He prayed to His Father.
Jesus listened to and highly valued and spoke His Father’s words – not His own understanding.
He did exactly what His Father was doing. Total obedient surrender brought success (100%) as Jesus walked in the perfect pleasing will of the Father, even to the cross, which became the final blow to the enemy.



Prayer: Father in Heaven, we thank You for the example of Jesus, who walked in radical obedience to Your voice. May Your followers all over this nation listen to You and obey You, saying what You say, and doing only what You are doing. Help us to listen to You to enter into Your pleasing perfect will at this critical time in our nation’s history. Give us courage as we step out to stop the abortion bills. Lord, we need wisdom and grace to help right now in our time of need. Thank You for Your throne of grace; hear the praises of Your people; confound our enemies while we step out in obedience to lean on You.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for our elected Parliamentarians:
Father, today we lift up Hon David James Speirs, Minister for Environment and Water and member for the electorate of Black. Thank you Lord for David, and his faith in your Gospel; we give praise that he voted against the decriminalisation of prostitution. We ask for supernatural courage, wisdom and anointing of his words in Cabinet to stand against abortion-to-birth legislation. May he demolish arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and His precious image-bearers in the womb.
We also pray for Hon Daniel Cornelis van Holst Pellekaan, Minister for Energy and Mining and member for the electorate of Stuart. We give thanks that Dan voted against the decriminalisation of prostitution. Our prayer is that he will similarly see that abortion to birth is destructive for South Australia and boldly stand for life and the protection of women. May the truth of late-term abortion move Dan to be a voice for the voiceless.
Lord, we ask You send a firewall of protection over all those standing in public office, and shut down any witchcraft or curses against righteous leadership in our nation.
In Jesus’ powerful Name, Amen.

Other Prayer Points:

  • Lord, we need legislation to rescue and protect life for the unborn;
    shift this evil and expose any lies — let viable babies be born and given a life through adoption.
  • Let the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord and repentance come to those voting on these bills.
  • Stop the Abortion Reform Bill in South Australia. We ask for those who have a voice and power to make changes bring the abortion in SA to 22 weeks instead of the 28 weeks as it stands. (and of course, ideally, no abortion)
  • Strengthen the righteous parliamentarians to have great wisdom, strategy, camaraderie, influence and favour.
  • Lord, deliver women, men, families, medical staff and others from the anguish suffered from the implications of terminating a pregnancy.

His mercy endures forever!

Today we stand together as one in prayer and fasting for grace to:

  • STOP the Greens Abortion Reform Bill from being passed in South Australia’s Parliament.
  • Bring radical amendments to the existing Abortion Law in favour of life for the unborn and safeguards for mothers.
  • Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia.
  • SHIFT the culture of this Nation to the Kingdom of Heaven with Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice on earth as it is in Heaven.

Walk for Life
Saturday 8th February 2020, 9.30 – 11.30 a.m., Victoria Square.

[Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels]

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