COVID19 Call to Prayer – March 24: Our Father in Heaven

24 March 2020

1.2 MINS

Prayers: How can we pray? There are hundreds of books written about prayer – how can we pray in this crisis that we face? Let’s do what the disciples did and ask Jesus. His answer?

Matt. 6:9This, then, is how you should pray:
“ ‘Our Father in Heaven,”

This reminds us of Whom we pray to – He is our Father. The Creator. The Almighty. Our God is personal. He is not a machine. Nor is He a monster. He is our Father. He is loving. And He is powerful. ‘In Heaven’ is not about His location but more about His authority. He has fatherly love and heavenly power. So let’s pray to our Father in Heaven…

Petition: Please also join with us in praying for:

  1. The United Kingdom which has just gone into lockdown. Pray for those who are frightened and for the Church as it seeks to bring the good news in this dark situation.
  2. The Northern Territory – Although there are only four cases of Covid-19, there is great concern about the potential impact on indigenous communities. Pray for protection and for people to be wise in staying away from this area.
  3. For those involved in the media – that they would provide clear and accurate information, without sensationalising or avoiding the situation.
  4. For all those churches who have started to provide their services online. For wisdom, help and clarity to all those involved.

A Prayer of Repentance: O Lord, we confess our disunity. We pray that this crisis would cause us as Your family to be more united in Christ. May they know we are Your people by our love.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving: We praise You O Lord for the wonders of modern technology – that we are able to connect, share and support each other through these means. Grant that we may use it wisely and graciously, for Your Glory… Amen.


Daily devotions by David Robertson via Christians United — COVID19 Call to Prayer.

[Photo by James Barr on Unsplash]

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