Light in a Doctor’s Darkest Nightmare

27 March 2020

1.6 MINS

This is a message from Dr. Julian Urban, a 38-year-old serving in a hospital in Lombardy, Italy, who is fighting Covid-19 nonstop and has not eaten for days! Pray for Italy! 5000+ dead and 50,000+ infected, rising daily!


Never in my darkest nightmares did I imagine that I would see and experience what has been going on in Italy in our hospital the past three weeks. The nightmare flows, and the river gets bigger and bigger. At first, a few patients came, then dozens, and then hundreds. Now, we are no longer doctors, but sorters who decide who should live and who should be sent home to die, though all these patients paid Italian health taxes throughout their lives.

Until two weeks ago, my colleagues and I were atheists. It was normal because we are doctors. We learned that science excludes the presence of God. I laughed at my parents going to church.

Nine days ago, a 75-year-old pastor was admitted into the hospital. He was a kind man. He had serious breathing problems. He had a Bible with him, and impressed us by how he read it to the dying as he held their hand. We doctors were all tired, discouraged, psychologically and physically finished. When we had time, we listened to him.

We have reached our limits. We can do no more. People are dying every day. We are exhausted. We have two colleagues who have died, and others that have been infected. We realized that we needed to start asking God for help. We do this when we have a few free minutes. When we talk to each other, we cannot believe that, though we were once fierce atheists, we are now daily in search of peace, asking the Lord to help us continue so that we can take care of the sick.

Yesterday, the 75-year-old pastor died. Despite having had over 120 deaths here in 3 weeks, we were destroyed. He had managed, despite his condition and our difficulties, to bring us a PEACE that we no longer had hoped to find. The pastor went to the Lord, and soon we will follow him if matters continue like this.

I haven’t been home for 6 days. I don’t know when I last ate. I realize my worthlessness on this earth. I want to use my last breath to help others. I am happy to have returned to God while I am surrounded by the suffering and death of my fellow men.


Pray for Italy and stay home!

Testimony gathered by Gianni Giardinelli.
Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino (@pellegrino2020); via Marco Tosatti.

[Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash]

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One Comment

  1. Diane 16 April 2020 at 2:17 pm - Reply

    Great seeing God work in these amazing times. Pray for all these doctors, nurses in the firing line. All hospital workers

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