New Blueprints from Heaven

29 March 2020

3.1 MINS

I saw a vision of God’s people crossing over into the new era, and as they stepped over the threshold, they held rolled-up faded blueprints of the old era in their left hands. As they stepped over a line of light, indicating crossing of the threshold to the new era, these faded blueprints began to crumble and disintegrate like a biodegradable plastic bag. The old blueprints, that were pale and faded, simply fell away, and were of no use to them.

As they took another step along the pathway to the other side, brilliant deep blueprints were given from Heaven into their right hands; these were for the new era of the Kingdom of Heaven. They were crossing over the threshold where the Lord had parted the sea, and the whole company of believers on earth were in the process of crossing over.

The blueprints are the Lord’s drawings, heavenly plans for us to use to build. By faith like Abraham to journey through to the fulfilment of His promises, we understand in Hebrews 11:10 ~

His eyes of faith were set on the city with unshakable foundations,
whose architect and builder is God Himself.

It is time for the 2020’s decade of building His Kingdom!

I was given the understanding that these blueprints were of great necessity for the Kingdom to be revealed on earth as it is in Heaven.

Everyone has a part to play, and each person is extremely precious; right now, our love and obedience is vital. We want His kingdom to come; we need to decree, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, to repent and let go of all our own ways.

In the natural realm, blueprints are described as construction documents, which provide the owner, general contractor, sub-contractors, and suppliers with the information needed to bid on and build the project. Visualising the plans is the initial component. Absorbing the image of the project in its entirety provides a sense of completeness.

God’s people are not able to build according to the old blueprints anymore; they have disintegrated, they don’t exist. If we try, they will simple fall away out of our left hands. Left hands can represent the ways we operated in the flesh, weakness, unbelief, under curses, or in our own intellect or foolishness.

Your plans will fall apart right in front of you if you fail to get good advice.
But if you first seek out multiple counsellors, you’ll watch your plans succeed.”
Proverbs 15:22 (TPT)

We are invited to build with the King in this new era the brilliant blue heavenly blueprints given into our right hands, representing the Holy Spirit’s blessed direction, preeminence, double portion, strength, faith, authority, longevity and wisdom.

We have a call of duty into modern warfare, with Jehovah Sabaoth. Blueprints are our new unlockable resources. We are not doing anything alone; His Kingdom requires oneness — we move on as a company and in squadrons. The new blueprints are His plans for us to receive specialized weapons and offer custom mantles, angelic help and equipping to take our unique place according to His call on our lives.

It can take time and the Spirit of Understanding (Isaiah 11:2) to cross into the new era. Some have already reached the other side, and are operating in Kingdom values and ways.

God’s Kingdom Realm within You — Jesus spoke:

Jesus was once asked by the Jewish religious leaders,
“When will God’s kingdom realm come?”
Jesus responded,
“God’s kingdom realm does not come simply by obeying principles or by waiting for signs. The kingdom is not discovered in one place or another, for God’s kingdom realm is already expanding within some of you.”
~ Luke 17:20-22 (TPT)

We have and are crossing over the threshold of the new era, and the King is everything. His Perfect love is dwelling and expanding and flowing out of His Bride. He spoke to me that “Purity begins today”. He is blessing the pure in heart to come into greater revelation and service to the King, as He trusts them.

We are living in unprecedented times where the whole earth is being shaken; only that which is Kingdom-built by the Holy Spirit according to Heaven’s blueprints will remain.

Wisdom’s Blueprints
“The Lord laid the earth’s foundations with wisdom’s blueprints.
By His living-understanding, all the universe came into being.
By His divine revelation, He broke open the hidden fountains of the deep, bringing secret springs to the surface as the mist of the night dripped down from Heaven.”
~ Proverbs 3:19-20 TPT

Let us attune our ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us individually and corporately, to build His Kingdom on earth according to His blueprints. Ask for mercy and grace to help build according to His blueprints.

Lord, direct me throughout my journey,
so I can experience Your plans for my life.
Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to You.
Psalm 25:4 TPT

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  1. John coverdale 29 March 2020 at 2:22 pm - Reply

    Seems like a Joshua 3 word to me.

  2. John coverdale 29 March 2020 at 7:33 pm - Reply

    Yes, He’s holding back the water by his power
    And we’re all crossing over;
    Yes, the Ark has gone before us
    And we are all crossing over.

    Fling wide O you gates,
    Be opened up youancient doors;
    And the Lord of Glory will come in,
    Our Great Triumphant King

    Look out you watchmen
    And rejoice at what you see;
    That the Ark is on the move.

    This song is based on Joshua 3 written by friend some time ago seems to fit with your article

  3. Sharon Stay 29 March 2020 at 10:15 pm - Reply

    Hi Ann, this is what I was given today (March 29, 2020) Neh 4:1; Jeremiah 15:2; 2 Kings 21; Ps 58; Lev 27:29; Deut 14:24 Matt 23;23; “Repair the foundations of our faith”. “Surely the righteous still are rewarded, surely there is a God who judges the earth.” Heavy emphasis on God’s justice and rebuilding. Hope that blesses everyone. Sharon

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