25 April 2020

0.5 MINS

Silent tears well in my saddened eyes
As the men and their memories march,
They are old and grey, but world-war wise
Their demeanour stiffened as starch.

The lump in my throat tries to comprehend
The perils they faced and fought,
The calls of justice and freedom to send
To injustices war had wrought.

On such men of courage our nation depended
When faced with liberty to save,
With honour they fought, our freedom defended
From the avarice and greed of a knave.

And the freedom they fought for is one we must cherish
The freedom to do what is right.
Not freedom to do as we like — or we perish
In surrender to the power of might.

[Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash]

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One Comment

  1. Camilla Hubbard 25 April 2020 at 1:24 pm - Reply

    Thank you Jean for publishing this poem, It is included in my book of poems “Living and Learning” soon to be published.
    My passion is to create joy in my audience through illustrating key spiritual truths in poetic form, with a commentary on life situations.

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