COVID19 Call to Prayer – June 6: My Hiding Place
You are my hiding place;
You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with My loving eye on you.~ Psalm 32:7-8
God is our refuge and strength. He is our hiding place. He is the one who gives us reason to sing.He instructs us. He counsels us. And He does so with His ‘loving eye’ upon us.
Of all people, Christians are the most privileged! And so we pray.
“And the happy life is this: to rejoice unto You, in You and for You.
It is this, and nothing other.”
~ Augustine
Petition: Please join with us in praying for:
1. Egypt – The number of confirmed cases is 31,115, with 1,166 deaths of those with Covid.
The number of cases appears to be rapidly increasing – although it is thought that they were considerably under-reported before.
2. New South Wales –now has had 3,110 cases (up 20 from a week ago), with 48 deaths (up 0).
All of the new cases in the past week have been from overseas. In Australia there have been 7,251 cases (up 11). There have been 102 deaths (up 0) – 6,683 people have recovered (up 19). 21 are in hospital (2 in ICU). 1,579,152 people have been tested, with 0.5% being positive.
3. The proposed #BlackLivesMatter demonstration in NSW was banned, then reinstated.
Pray that there will not be trouble and that other demonstrations in Australia and the rest of the world do not result in further spreading of Covid.
4. There are currently ten potential vaccines in clinical trials – with two of them having advanced to stage three testing.
5. Those who live alone who are elderly. May they experience, companionship, and hope, and come to know the presence of the Lord.
A Prayer of Repentance:
When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy on me;
my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.
Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.”
And You forgave the guilt of my sin.
(Psalm 32:3-5)
A Prayer of Thanksgiving:
Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous;
sing, all you who are upright in heart!
(Psalm 32:11)
Daily devotions by David Robertson via Christians United — COVID19 Call to Prayer.
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