The United Nations Advances the Sexual Revolution – What’s to Celebrate?
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. “The Ruth Institute will not be celebrating,” said Founder and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.
“What could have been a force for peace and understanding has led the war on unborn children and human reproduction.”
Since its founding in 1969, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has spent an estimated $20 billion facilitating abortion and forced sterilization campaigns worldwide. President Trump ended U.S. funding of UNFPA in 2017, saving taxpayers $32.5 million annually.
Morse explained:
“At the time, the U.S. administration noted UNFPA’s complicity in China’s notorious one-child policy — which included forced abortion and involuntary sterilizations — affecting half a billion women over 30 years. The UN agency has held up China’s program as a model for developing nations to follow.”
Coalitions Director of the Ruth Institute, Don Feder said,
“The United Nations Population Fund has sowed the wind and is reaping the whirlwind with its attack on human reproduction. Worldwide, the fertility rate is half of what it was in the 1960s.”
“It will be impossible to maintain industrialized civilization with declining populations,” Feder continued.
“With pension costs and medical care for the elderly rising, and tax revenue declining from fewer workers, national budgets will be caught in a squeeze. Loneliness and suicide among the elderly will also rise. As it slips into old age, a whole generation will be left with no children or grandchildren to visit them in retirement – or one child a thousand miles away who may call them once a month. We can thank the United Nations for this human tragedy.”
Feder will be addressing population control and demographic winter at the Ruth Institute’s Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, July 17-18 in Lake Charles, LA. Learn more about the Summit here.
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