Unite and Stand for Life
It’s time to Shout Justice for the Unborn!
Just like when the Israelites shouted and the walls around Jericho collapsed — it’s time to bring down the walls of things that are fortifying those determined to push for the passing of the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 (Abortion to Birth) — it’s time to destroy the works of the one who comes only to kill, steal and destroy!
As we look to the Lord to help us in this fight for the unborn yet again, we stay in faith and believe in Him. In John 11:40, Jesus looked at Martha and said, “Didn’t I tell you that if you will believe in Me, you will see God unveil His power?” She then saw the impossible happen!
On this Wednesday 11th November 2020, Remembrance Day, Australia pauses for a minute’s silence to honour those who lost their lives in war to keep Australia a safe place for all. This day we also want to recognise the tragic truth that the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 is about to dramatically change the safety for those in the womb if passed in SA Parliament.
The Lord highlighted 11th Nov as a key date — we have “marched” around SA for seven weeks. Those opposing the life of the unborn have felt the threat of the righteous marching against this bill with our information meetings, emails, letters, media releases and meetings with MPs.
Now on the 11th of the 11th, we are to make a mighty shout and see the defences of those who are pushing for the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 fall and the bill that has the potential to destroy babies up to and at birth be systematically defeated.
Let’s make our shout even louder. We shout in our prayer & fasting, in our decree of Scripture; in our worship and by again sending a resounding NO to our MPs. We have a prayer meeting on Wednesday 11th Nov 12 – 2pm and a rally on Parliament steps on Thursday 12th at 2.15 – 4pm (see below). We hope to see many of you there. WE MUST TAKE ACTION & LEAVE NO DOUBT IN THE MINDS OF OUR MPs.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.”
~ Proverbs 31:8-9 NLT20 “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
For wisdom and might are His.
21 And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding.
22 He reveals deep and secret things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And light dwells with Him.
~ Daniel 2:20b-22 NKJV4 … and the glory of these proud leaders will fade
and disappear like the first figs of the season,
which are picked and eaten as soon they are ripe.
5 In that day, Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies,
will be a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty for the remnant of His people.
6 He will be a Spirit of justice for judges to render right decisions.
And He will be strength and bravery for those who turn back the battle at the gate.
~ Isaiah 28:4-6 TPT
Prayer for Life Meeting
Wednesday 11 November 2020
12:00 NOON – 2PM
If you are unable to attend, please go back into TryBooking and return your ticket to allow space for others to attend.
City of Dreams Building
17a Augusta Street, Maylands, SA 5069
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