Days of Holiness ~ Day 3: Holy Nation – His Own Special People
But you [are] a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, His own special people,
that you may proclaim the praises of Him
Who called you out of darkness
into His marvellous light;
who once were not a people
but are now the people of God,
who had not obtained mercy
but now have obtained mercy.
~ 1 Peter 2:9-10 (NKJV)
We are chosen and have received mercy — we are God’s people and He calls us a holy nation. Believers and followers of Jesus Christ are a nation scattered over the earth, and our numbers are increasing daily; when the Lord looks at us, He sees us as holy because of His Son (we are in Christ).
His holy nation is at war with death and destruction. This generation who are alive in Christ are born for such a time as this. Christ has set us free — we are no longer yoked to a burden of slavery to sin. We are forever ransomed and are now His royal priesthood that are interceding for those who are enslaved to sin.
There is darkness covering the earth that is evil — masquerading as light! It offers choice to women to legally abort their babies. Most babies are aborted for the woman’s mental health — now babies are being aborted up to full term that were capable of surviving outside the womb. Adoption is an option that is now rarely being taken.
Let us Pray:
Gracious Father, we come to You humbled and grateful for all You have done.
We ask for grace to help us fulfill our call as a holy nation of royal priests to intercede effectively for the unborn of Australia who are at risk of death by abortion.
Lord, thank You that You have chosen our generation at this time in history.
Today amidst these 37 Days of Holiness, we are saying yes to fulfilling the call of Heaven to stand and administer Your words of truth and light as You bring justice for the innocent babies.
Lord and Giver of life, we ask that You breathe afresh on Your people right now at the beginning of 2021 and cause us to rise up as Your holy nation and defeat the evil of destruction of the unborn in our nation — especially the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 that will go before the Lower House of South Australia’s Parliament in early 2021.
Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth — we ask You to move through dreams and encounter those in our nation who have the privileged, trusted positions of governing and passing legislation in Australia. Lord, move a majority of them right now to defeat all bills that are for destruction of every life, including the unborn. In Your powerful and precious name, Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen.
To send the intended influential message to our politicians
that South Australians DO NOT want legalised abortion up to birth,
we need thousands of people on the WALK for LIFE!
It will take each of us to SPREAD THE WORD through all our networks!
Go to our website & our Facebook page Love Adelaide — make sure you ‘like’ the page and share the event.
The team at the Canberra Declaration are partnering with Love Adelaide’s call for 37 Days of Prayer & Fasting in asking God for the defeat of this horrific SA abortion to birth legislation that will be voted on in February 2021. We are doing this by calling for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting from 1 – 21 January 2021. (Feel free to join them for the full 37 Days should you so wish.)
We are also adding some very specific prayer requests over and above the defeat of this horrific anti-LIFE legislation in SA. Join with us as we believe for breakthrough for these key prayer points. Feel free to add your own prayer requests for friends and family, your church and your local community as you feel led. Join us each night of the 21 days at 8pm (AEDT, NSW, Vic, Tas time) in Zoom Room 776881184.
- A revelation for Australians of Jesus Christ and Him crucified
- The defeat of South Australia’s Abortion Legalisation Bill
- The defeat of Victoria’s “Change or Suppression” Bill
- Integrity and justice in the U.S. election process
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