New House Rules Erase Women

14 January 2021

1.8 MINS

“It’s ironic that Nancy Pelosi — the first female Speaker of the House — is erasing women in the name of ‘inclusiveness,’” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., speaking of the new House of Representatives diversity rules.

The rules, which were adopted by a straight party-line vote last Monday, replace “father,” “mother,” “son,” “daughter,” “sister” and “brother,” with “parent,” “child” and “sibling.” “Himself” and “herself” are now “themself.” The phrase “He or she serves” morphs into “such member serves.”

Morse responded:

“I’m not a spouse, parent or sibling. I’m a wife, mother and sister. It’s easy to shrug this off as the Speaker pandering to the radical wing of her party, after barely surviving a challenge to her leadership. It is also easy to ridicule this latest move. But the Sexual Revolutionaries are deadly serious. And they control an immense amount of power, money, and influence.”

Morse observed:

“Mandating the removal of gender-specific words is the latest attempt by the Sexual State to grab power by creating an alternate reality. In the real world in which we live, there are men and women, nothing else.

“The Sexual Revolutionaries claim that all they want to do is to make men who think they’re women, and vice versa, feel better about themselves. In reality, powerful people like Nancy Pelosi are creating an unending stream of offenses, large and small, so they can turn on people whenever they want.”

“Whatever happened to ‘follow the science?’” Morse continued.

“As a matter of scientific fact, a man doesn’t become a woman by saying he ‘identifies’ as a woman, or by altering his body with surgery and drugs. Likewise, changing the rules of the House of Representatives to discard gender-specific terms will have absolutely no effect on human nature.”

“Mrs. Pelosi’s official biography mentions her ‘husband’ and late ‘father.’ As the champion of language inclusion, shouldn’t she change that to ‘spouse’ and ‘parent’?” Morse inquired.

“I warned during the gay marriage debate that cutting marriage free from gender would lead to the end of gendered language and the end of gender itself,” Morse said.

“The goal wasn’t really to improve the lives of the lesbian couple next door. The real end-game was, and is, to create a dream world in which the sex of the body is completely irrelevant to anything in law and society. No more mothers and fathers on birth certificates: only Parent A and Parent B. Now here we are, less than ten years out, with full-on female erasure.”

Last August, the Ruth Institute expressed similar concerns when CNN and the American Cancer Society urged cancer screening for “individuals with a cervix” instead of women.

“This isn’t equality. It’s a fantasy ideology. It’s misogynistic tyranny,” Morse said.

[Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash]

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