My Kingdom Go
by AW Tozer, Who Put Jesus on the Cross? (pp. 173-174)
It may surprise you that Aldous Huxley, often a critic of orthodox and evangelical Christianity, has been quoted as saying:
“My kingdom go is the necessary corollary to Thy kingdom come.”
Certainly, His kingdom can never be realised in my life until my own selfish kingdom is deposed. It is when I resign, when I am no longer king of my domain, that Jesus Christ will become king of my life.
Now, brethren, in confession, may I assure you that a Christian clergyman cannot follow any other route to spiritual victory and daily blessing than that which is prescribed so plainly in the Word of God. It is one thing for a minister to choose a powerful text, expound it and preach from it — it is quite something else for the minister to honestly and genuinely live forth the meaning of the Word from day to day.
A clergyman is a man — and often he has a proud little kingdom of his own, a kingdom of position and often of pride and sometimes with power. Clergymen must wrestle with the spiritual implications of the crucified life just like everyone else, and to be thoroughgoing men of God and spiritual examples to the flock of God; they must die daily to the allurements of their own little kingdoms of position and prestige.
Lord, I quit, I resign, I’m no longer ‘king of my domain.’
I die this morning to ‘my own little kingdom of position and prestige.’
Rule in my life today. Amen.
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