Prayer for our government a priority not to be missed
Have you ever thought about what Paul went through in prison when he wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:1-6?
I urge you. Is prayer urgent for you?
Is prayer for government a top priority for you?
When we pray for our federal and State governments, do we pray “first of all, that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone — for Kings and all those in Authority”?
Well do you, or I, even have a list of our leaders, and do we have a name list we are committed to pray for? Now that is a big challenge.
How about our Prime Minister and some key Ministers? How about our State premier and key Ministers? Start with two or three of each. Keep it simple.
What do they need most? Wisdom! And good advisors for a start. Corrupt advisers can and will lead them astray.
Why should we bother, or even consider praying like this?
“For peaceful [unpersecuted] lives.” “And it pleases God our Saviour who wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.” (Vs 2-3)
Do we realise when we do not pray like this, God our Saviour is displeased with our disobedience?
Will you pray according to His will, or just get on with what you have always done and ignore God’s command?
We live in perilous times — Covid-19, China…
The key to being able to share the Gospel is good government, who will make it easier to do the job. Unlike China!
[Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash: The Australian House of Representatives at the Australian Parliament, Canberra, Australia.]Recent Articles:
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