Day 27: The Gospel’s Power

27 May 2021

2.9 MINS

To understand the incredible power of the gospel to change lives.


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”Romans 1:16a

Paul believed in the power of the gospel to save. Why is it so powerful? How can such a simple message impact so many people around the globe, turning them from darkness to light, completely transforming lives?

The gospel isn’t just any message, it is a divine message, a seed that is planted in the heart and grows. It is powerful because it is true and it resonates with the human heart. Think about the gospel’s message:

We are all broken. We have gone our own way, turned from God’s perfect way, broken His laws, ignored and rejected the One who gave us life and breath. We have fallen short of God’s intention for us — to walk in relationship with Him, to love others, to look after His planet and to reflect Him to the world around us.

God didn’t give up on us. Instead of wiping us out, God did the opposite. He sent Jesus to come to earth, to live as a human being, to show us how to live, and then to die a cruel painful death on the cross in our place, taking on our punishment for us. We have done the crime, He has done the time! Then Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, showing that He is God — and that He has the power over death and evil. We can now be restored back to our original design, back into relationship with God, forgiven and set free.

So how should we respond? Turn: make a commitment to turn from the wrong in our lives (we can never be perfect, but it is about a changed heart attitude). And Surrender: put your faith in Jesus and what He did for you by dying on the cross. Commit to living life God’s way from now on, making Him the number one priority of your life. Then you will know forgiveness and receive eternal life!

This Saturday is GO Day. Last year, 54 million Christians were involved in sharing the gospel to over 350 million people! Will you be a part of the team this year? You can link in with others that are going out through You could arrange a coffee with someone who doesn’t know Christ and share how Jesus has changed your life.

Not sure how to share the gospel? Why not download the G7 App from your App Store? It has instructions and a 30-minute tutorial video inside the app. Mainly it is just reading and tapping — you can do it! What about sharing a gospel video on social media? Have a look at this one:


I trust these ideas are helpful. Now GO for it!

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the opportunities that we have at this time to pray, to share Jesus, and to get better equipped in sharing you with others. We pause and surrender afresh to you and to all you are calling us to do. Give us courage and wisdom as we seek to lovingly share your powerful gospel with others. Amen.

Prayer Points for May 2021
1. Pray for Revival and Transformation for Australia
2. Pray for 1 Billion people worldwide to hear the Gospel
3. Share the Good News of Jesus with 5 people

We invite you to support this month-long Prayer & Outreach campaign and the work of the Canberra Declaration by making a donation to receive a copy of Kurt Mahlburg & Warwick Marsh’s new book called, “POWER OF THE GOSPEL – Ten Ways to Share the Good News.”

Stuart is the Australian Coordinator for the GO Movement, and the founder of Train To Proclaim. He is passionate about equipping Christians around the world to share the gospel in a loving and jargon-free way. He has produced a number of training videos, a free downloadable evangelism course, and gospel resources including the G7 (Gospel in 7) app. Stu resides in Brisbane with his wife Maria and four children.

We invite you to join the daily 1-hour Zoom video National Prayer Call every night:
1st–31st May 2021
TIME: 8pm-9pm AEST
ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184
See Zoom tutorial here.

Daily devotions brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.

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