The Voice Must Not Proceed
The Voice must not proceed because the following have not been addressed:
The Uluru Statement
Australians support equality of opportunity. The ALP and the Greens are using Aboriginal disadvantage in order to push their maligned agendas, which place at risk our democratic principles and economic freedom. The government does not have an offensive strategy to harness the trust and support of Aboriginal people living in communities across Australia. It has been cornered into reactive decision-making, which is not in the best interests of our nation.
Unresolved Corruption
If the Voice goes ahead, it will have devastating consequences. The Australian Crime Commission task force operated from 2007 to 2014 and visited 145 Indigenous communities, 58 regional towns and held almost 2000 stakeholder meetings. It found widespread abuse of power and connections with an organised crime base within Aboriginal organisations, confirming,
‘Individuals in positions of authority have engaged in child abuse, violence and fraud.’
Bruce Pascoe
Aboriginal identity fraud claims have been flourishing for years in Aboriginal communities, and it is causing harm and generating anger, because Aboriginal people assume the government and by association, the Australian people do not care.
For example, the government and others have ignored the undeniable evidence proving Bruce Pascoe has no Aboriginal ancestors. Pascoe appears to hate our democratic representative government; he praises China and calls Australians murderers, of which there is little evidence. The Green elite extremists have silenced Aboriginal Australians and are pushing hard to implement their maligned agendas.
Aboriginal Elites Control
The same people involved in the Uluru Statement were involved with ATSIC, which had to be dismantled because of corruption; the Native Title Act; and they control the voices of the Aboriginal leadership.
These people have achieved little and have not improved the quality of life for Aboriginal people, and the money they receive does not reach Aboriginal people living in communities.
These people use Jawun, a not-for-profit organisation which has enormous influence across the public and private sectors. For example, two Australian Government heads of department have held board positions on it, and the Australian taxpayers fund public servants to attend 6 to 12 week secondments (or in the case of listed companies, shareholders) which Jawun manages in order to push this ‘Indigenous Voice’ agenda.
Native Title
Native title land is controlled by Aboriginal organisations, which do not offer individuals land shares and/or property ownership rights. It has proven useless to Aboriginal people and has prevented them from achieving economic independence.
These organisations encourage dependence upon social housing, which is problematic because Australian social housing rules prevent tenants from gaining independence, because rent is increased dramatically when tenants work. Thus the rules do not encourage enterprise, and stifles home ownership.
Unlike other countries, there is no share in equity for renters in our social housing system. Tom Calma, former ATSIC Social Justice Commissioner and Co-Chair of Ken Wyatt’s Voice, said,
‘Native title is at the bottom of the hierarchy of Australian property rights.’
UN and the Green Elites
For years those responsible for catastrophic Aboriginal failures have been a small elite group of Aboriginal people. This group designed and manages the implementation of their policies and has partnered with green billionaire sponsors who have significant media, legal and political influence.
They are using the Native Title Act to push their agenda. Six Indigenous people designed the Act in consultation with Prime Minister Paul Keating in 1993, without consulting Aboriginal people living in communities, and the United Nations has been the driver of collective property rights.
The preamble of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) refers to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Uluru Statement mentions it acting in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Uluru Statement asserts that First Nations sovereignty was never ceded and coexists with the Crown’s sovereignty today, and the basis for it is the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. And the UN endorse the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ before Indigenous Australians have had a say.
Between 70 to 80% of native title land is nontransferable. Warren Mundine OAM, former CEO of the New South Wales Native Title Service, said native title would cover as much as 70% of Australia by 2030, and the Hon Dr Gary Johns said it was more like 80 per cent (see here, p. 85).
Agenda Control
The Australian Native Title Act provides a mechanism for the green elites to push for an end to private property ownership for working Australians. ANU Professor Jon Altman, who is an associate of Bruce Pascoe, said the native land title system provides an opportunity for:
‘Real utopias to be envisioned on Indigenous lands for those fortunate enough to repossess them.’
Aboriginal people have not been appropriately consulted
Megan Davis, Noel Pearson, Rachael Perkins and Thomas Mayor (union representative), together with others involved behind the scenes such as Marcia Langton and Bruce Pascoe (an unverified Aboriginal person), organised the Uluru Statement convention. However, this leadership group failed to comprehensively consult with Indigenous people living in communities, despite the fact many Aboriginal organisation leaders had been invited.
In May 2017, twelve meetings were held across Australia and 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were chosen from 1200 possible candidates to participate at the gathering. However, no independent process was enacted to determine who should attend. The chosen group met for four days at Uluru and the Statement was not verified. Nonetheless, the convention organisers claimed the gathering had reached a consensus; however, delegates from Victoria and New South Wales walked out, claiming they had been threatened by the organisers.
Originally published at One Voice Australia.
Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash.
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I bless Josephine with a huge increase of God’s strength, favour and authority, to fulfil the assignment He has given her.
O God of Hosts, Let her break through and rejoice in many victories.