LGBT - children

Yes, They Really Are Coming for Our Children

11 July 2021

1.2 MINS

The San Francisco’s Gay Men’s Chorus recently released a mock Broadway video boasting how “they really will convert your children”. After a massive backlash, the video has been taken down, but it can still be viewed here:

Note in particular the opening lines of the song:

You think we’re sinful,
you fight against our right,
you say we all lead lives you can’t respect.
But you’re just frightened,
you think that we’ll corrupt your kids
if our agenda goes unchecked.
Funny, just this once, you’re correct.

The SF Gay Men’s Chorus has since issued a statement on Twitter, claiming that not only are they the victims of homophobia but that,

‘After decades of children being indoctrinated and taught intolerance for anyone who is “other,” from using the Bible as a weapon to reparative therapy, it’s our turn.’

However, in an even more shocking development, Milo Yiannopoulos — who now identifies as a ‘reformed sodomite’ — has revealed that at least four men in the video are sex offenders, with one in particular a convicted paedophile. As such, they really are coming for our children. Literally.

Yiannopoulos has provocatively labelled the gay men’s chorus as a ‘pagan death cult’. In fact, Milo goes on to say that the video has done more damage to the gay cause then decades of opposition from FOX News or the US Republican Party. The full video with Milo can be viewed below:

[Photo by Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash]

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One Comment

  1. John Miller 12 July 2021 at 11:04 am - Reply

    A “mock Broadway video” ??

    – and with the choir having, “4 sex-offenders.”

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