
World Ivermectin Day — The Call to End COVID-19 Pandemic

23 July 2021

3.5 MINS

World Ivermectin Day is being organised by Dr Tess Lawrie and the team at BIRD (British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group), who have a passion to end the COVID-19 pandemic. World Ivermectin Day is being held on Saturday 24 July 2021.

The introduction to the website says,

“You may not be aware that Covid can be prevented and treated with a simple low-cost, generic tablet called Ivermectin.

On World Ivermectin Day we want you, and everyone on the planet to know this so we all can look forward to a healthier, happier future and not one of fear and uncertainty.

We are joined by health professionals, lawyers, musicians and artists and people of all backgrounds and nations to spread the amazing news about ivermectin.

Ivermectin has a successful history stretching back to 1975 with 5 billion doses given and an impeccable safety record. Its inventors even won a Nobel Prize.

Ivermectin is not even the only generic treatment for covid, but leads a number of safe, widely available medicines that are being successfully used around the world to beat covid.

Sharing Good Health Worldwide.

World Ivermectin Day is encouraging all nations who haven’t yet adopted ivermectin as part of their Covid treatment plan to take a serious review of the mountain of robust clinical evidence so they too can improve their people’s health and economies.

They are sharing the good news of how it is being successfully used by thousands of doctors in multiple countries as the way to prevent, treat and beat covid and end the pandemic. It is even effective against variants.

People will come together to celebrate ivermectin for a day focused on unity, love, and gratitude for this precious gift from Mother Earth. Ivermectin is the key and has already brought immeasurable benefit to humanity. It’s time to celebrate and let the world know that it’s going to be ok!”

You might well ask why the Daily Declaration is promoting World Ivermectin Day. The answer is simple.

For us, LIFE is a core issue. Life is given through the breath of God. Life is sacred as per our declaration. In other words, we want to prolong life as much as possible.

To quote from the Canberra Declaration,

“The sanctity of human life… is being undermined in much of the Western world…

We believe that all human life, being made in the image of God, has intrinsic and equal value from conception to life’s natural end.

The very heart of a humane and civilised society is based on the way it treats its most vulnerable and innocent members…

We will not comply with any directive that compels us to participate in… any… act that involves the intentional taking of innocent human life.”

With our strong interest in protecting Life and health in general, we have been researching the COVID pandemic from February/March 2020.

We have published several broad articles about COVID-19 over the last 18 months. “Dads & the Coronavirus” was our first. Our second was called, “10 Keys to Build Your Immune System Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic”. We even covered “Home-schooling for Parents during the Coronavirus“.

In May 2020, we covered the Wuhan lab leak theory and we were mocked for our trouble. In March 2020, we called and organised National Prayer & Fasting for the Coronavirus.

Yesterday we published a very critical analysis of the massive corruption in the WHO, called “Seven Reasons Why the World Health Organization Cannot be Trusted“.

Most recently, we have republished a very important article titled “COVID-19: Where are We Going?

The one thing I would say with confidence is the mainstream media, Big Tech and big government approach to the COVID pandemic has been muddled, shockingly censored, and heavily politicised.

Recently, I was speaking to Professor Robert Clancy, AM DSc PhD MB BS FRACP FRCP(A) from the Newcastle University in New South Wales, who specialises in immunology and lung disease. He kindly allowed us to publish his ground-breaking article.

Professor Robert Clancy has 260 published papers and has been a breakthrough medical researcher in several fields related to this area of science. He would strongly agree with the above statement.

See Professor Robert Clancy’s radio interview about Covid-19 below:

Are you aware that 23% of the world is using Ivermectin in part or in the main, with great or moderate effectiveness to treat COVID-19? That is a total of 1.9 billion people with mixed usage from 33 countries.

In seven countries of the world, Ivermectin is one of the main drugs in use for COVID-19. From the figures available, I would estimate that over quarter of a million medical doctors worldwide are using Ivermectin to treat COVID patients. Ivermectin is hardly a fringe medical treatment for COVID-19.

Please find a list of key groups and researchers working in this area. These are not mad medicos, but professors, doctors, and highly esteemed medical researchers from all over the world working on treating COVID-19, with a goal to make it extinct.

Be assured the Daily Declaration will continue to champion LIFE and good health for everyone. It is my belief that one day Ivermectin will join penicillin and aspirin as one of the greatest medical discoveries of all time. So happy World Ivermectin Day.

[Photo: Vadi Fuoco/BigStock]

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  1. Joseph Cassar 23 July 2021 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    Great news!

    • Silvarajoo 25 July 2021 at 12:17 am - Reply

      All should come in full force to support treatment of covid19 with Ivermectin.

  2. John Ellerton 24 July 2021 at 5:19 pm - Reply

    Hi. I am really disappointed and concerned that money seems to be more important than people’s lives. It seems to me that billions of dollars have been wasted on virus vaccine s that do not work when ivermectin could have been used effectively and cheaply achieving health and safety for millions of people around the world. Ivermectin can still be of great benefit in the controlling of the covid19 virus and its effects on the population. How can this be achieved??? Thank you for your encouraging message.

  3. George Kokonis 24 July 2021 at 6:01 pm - Reply

    Excellent initiative!

    God bless!

  4. Lynette Grindley 26 July 2021 at 1:58 pm - Reply

    How can we get the health experts, bureaucrats, and politicians to listen to this advice? In any press conference where it might be raised it is fobbed off by “doesn’t work”. It could be saving the spread in SW Sydney right now.

  5. Siu Churches 27 July 2021 at 11:17 am - Reply

    Great work Warwick. All these lockdowns are totally unnecessary. Went to rally on week end. But people are losing their our freedoms . Media and some doctors and leading politicians are destroying the our economy youth and health IF THIS MESSAGE DOES NOT GET.
    But FB is BLANKING my passionate posts. You Tube has censored my comments. Police attacked those at protest rally on Sat. We MUST PRAY as everything is ast stake. My brother tried to use WITCHCRAFT to force me vaccinate in order to see our parents. Just went to order script of Ivermectin. My usual GP isn’t writing scripts he says:” he could lose his licence” for writing scripts he doesn’t usually write

  6. Pearl Miller 3 August 2021 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    Oh My ! How did I miss this! I am so grateful that the subject has come up…I was thinking it was verboten in the Canberra Declaration Community.

    I was also at a rally on World Ivermectin Day…maybe 20,000 here in Bris. People desperate to be heard, knowing that their lives are under threat, wanting therapeutics instead of a toxic v a x……also wanting HOPE, so I wore my HOPE hat and a precious lady came to me asking for HOPE….I led her to the Lord…she cried and hugged me….The Lord confirmed to me that I should be there after being hesitant to go….Praise the Lord!

  7. Val Pym 20 August 2021 at 11:51 am - Reply

    I put a post about Ivermectin up on Facebook and received a reprimand and a threat to block me if I did it again, So what can be done about that?

  8. Phil Greer 3 September 2021 at 6:31 pm - Reply

    Wow. Over quarter of a million medical doctors worldwide are using Ivermectin to SAFELY treat COVID patients – successfully. Yet doctors in Aus are threatened with deregistration of they prescribe this. I’m disgusted with the current approach.

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