power of prayer

The Canberra Declaration’s Latest Book is Here!

30 October 2021

1.3 MINS

Kurt Mahlburg and Warwick Marsh‘s latest book has hit the printers. Get your copy of Power of Prayer today. If you can’t afford it, we’ll send you one for free!

What happens when people pray? Power of Prayer: Personal Stories and Strategies for Mountain Moving Prayer provides a compelling answer. In its pages, read the testimonies of almost one hundred Australians who prayed and saw God move mountains in their life.

God Moves Mountains When We Pray

Woven in with these inspiring stories is down-to-earth, biblical teaching. The book will motivate you to a deeper walk with God and faithful determination in your prayer life. Christians are not only called to be a prophetic voice to the culture around them — their calling is also to be an urgent voice to heaven. God invites us to take our needs and the needs of our nation before His throne of grace.

Only God can resolve the myriad dilemmas the world is facing. It is only He who can satisfy the longings of every heart. God alone can bring revival and renewal to our societies. Prayer is one of the most practical ways that we can usher in the revival and reformation our culture so desperately needs.

Power of Prayer has received a dozen endorsements from high-profile Christian leaders — including former World Tennis Number One Ps Margaret Court AO MBE, Werner Nachtigal, International President of the GO Movement, and Cindy McGarvie, the National Director of Youth for Christ.

How to Get Your Copy

Every year, the Canberra Declaration dedicates at least one month to concerted, unified prayer. Our prayer campaigns cover themes such as life, faith, family, marriage and freedom. Power of Prayer was released to equip those who are praying and to inspire a generation of intercessors to pray until we see mountains move in our nation.

You can purchase your copy (or multiple copies at very low prices) by donation via our online order form. If you’re unable to afford a donation, let us know and we will send you one for free.

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Fake news and censorship make the work of the Canberra Declaration and our Christian news site the Daily Declaration more important than ever. Take a stand for family, faith, freedom, life, and truth. Support us as we shine a light in the darkness. Donate now.


  1. Carol 30 October 2021 at 12:24 pm - Reply

    I can afford one copy of this book. But I would also like to give one to a young man we are witnessing to. Is it possible to pay for one and get a few one as well?

    • Geoff Dyer 26 November 2021 at 5:08 pm - Reply

      I’ll pay for extra copy so your friend can have. You buy 1 and get 2. I’ll buy 2 and get one. That seems fair.. or something!!. Bless you.. and your friend, Geoff

  2. Ruth Kloeden 26 November 2021 at 7:42 pm - Reply

    This is a powerful book of amazing testimonies. Thank you. I’ve sent a donation since getting a free copy. Would love one to share with friends

  3. Ruth Kloeden 26 November 2021 at 7:43 pm - Reply

    This is a powerful book

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