National Day of Prayer and Fasting for Victoria: Tuesday 16th November
The events unfolding in Victoria have prompted the Canberra Declaration to call a National Day of Prayer and Fasting for the state of Victoria on Tuesday 16th November. Join us as you are able any time throughout the day as we pray for repentance and the restoration of freedom in Victoria.
The Canberra Declaration team feels that the situation for faith and freedom is so endangered in Victoria right now that we are calling for an urgent National Day of Prayer and Fasting.
Join us as we pray for the situation in Victoria from 9am-9pm (AEDT) on Tuesday 16th November 2021. We are hosting an all-day, 12-hour Zoom prayer vigil on the day at THIS LINK. Come on the call anytime you can or pray in your own time and way. Please spread the word about this event far and wide!
Dan Andrews’ Pandemic Power-Grab
Victoria is the most locked down jurisdiction in the world. It is also the first state in Australia that we know of where police have fired rubber bullets at peaceful protestors.
Premier Dan Andrews is seeking to make his pandemic powers effectively permanent with the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021. If passed, this legislation will give the Premier and his Health Minister power to restrict movement, ban public gatherings, stop church attendance, close businesses, and order quarantine requirements — even if there is no specific disease in circulation.
The bill is so concerning that 60 QCs — some of Victoria’s top barristers — have signed an open letter denouncing this “rule by decree” power grab. The legislation must be voted down if Victoria is to remain a free state. The Victorian Upper House MPs will vote on this bill either Tuesday 16 November or next Thursday.
We believe prayerful humility, as found in 2 Chronicles 7:14, is the key to such national crises. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 also provides us with our strategy:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
Let us bring the people of Victoria and the Government of Victoria before the throne of grace with prayer and supplication this coming Tuesday. The people of Victoria have suffered greatly under the heavy hand of the Andrews Government. Tuesday is the first sitting day of the state parliament, and the day that a lot of critical decisions will likely be made. We need to pray!
Christian Education Endangered in Victoria
Other sinister things are taking place in Victoria that warrant our prayer. If passed, the so-called Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Amendment Bill 2021 will remove the right of Christian schools to recruit staff who believe in and live up to biblical Christian values.
Sadly, the Liberal Party who are in Opposition have not made a strong stand against this malicious bill. They are having a party meeting next Tuesday morning on 16th November to make a decision about this very important piece of legislation.
Please contact the Victorian Opposition Leader the Hon Matthew Guy and encourage him to make a stand for religious freedom. If he does not, who will?
Martin Luther King said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” He was right. The loss of religious freedom for Christian schools will in the long term allow more freedoms to be disappeared by subsequent legislation. The price of safety is eternal vigilance! Please join us in prayer next Tuesday.
Prayer Points
Though the urgency of the situation is what prompts us to pray, we recognise that the problems facing Victoria are ultimately spiritual in nature. Therefore we suggest the following prayer points for Tuesday’s National Day of Prayer and Fasting:
- Pray for repentance throughout the state of Victoria and Australia, that all Australians would return to God in humility, seeking His face for salvation in Jesus Christ.
- Pray that the eyes of more Australians would be opened to the historic moment we are in, so that together we might stand for life, faith, family, marriage and freedom.
- Pray that enough MPs reject both the pandemic and religious exceptions bills, and that freedom would be restored in Victoria and Australia.
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The date on the poster says 15th
I will be joining you all tomorrow 16th
I’m praying to see the hand of God moving over parliament in a supernatural way that everyone will see His power and glory!
We will have a Great Victorian in the mighty name of Jesus!
We will be praying with you sll
Nothing will fix this EXCEPT prayer. As we pray together to not only call on God for mercy on our State and Nation, but in your mind’s eye BELIEVE!
Many prophetic words and a great heritage place Melbourne as a key site for the next (and according to Smith-Wigglesworth, the last) great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
None know this better than the powers of dark places and the rulers of principalities. Is it ANY wonder Victoria is under such intense spiritual attack?
Pray with all your heart. In Jesus name, and in the authority he gave all of us, COMMAND the enemy to stand down, and ORDER them to the feet of Jesus, to be dealt with as He decides.
Above all, pray to guard your own heart: against unforgiveness; bitterness; resentment; and any form of ill-will to words Daniel Andrews and his supporters in Parliament. We were instructed to love our enemies and to forgive them. We don’t have to like them, but we do have to love them with the compassion of Jesus. Let us pray for salvation for the godless and for a road-to-Damascus encounter.
I pray for God’s mercy for Victoria.
Dear Lord, in Your mercy, for Jesus’s sake, for the sake of your desired final great harvest of souls, please pour out a Spirit of conviction and a heart of repentance over Australia to wake us up from our complacency. Reveal to us our desperate need of Jesus, in Jesus” Name. Amen
We will humble ourselves before the Lord Almighty, only He can deliver us!
** Canberra Declaration: Tuesday 16th National Day of Prayer for Victoria (all day) Tuesday 16th November 2021 **
Zoom Prayer starts: 9:00AM (AEDT) | 8:30AM (ACDT) | 6:00AM (AWST) | 8:00AM (AEST)
Rolling 1.5 hour sessions, join in as you can.
Link: Zoom: 776 881 184
Being sick currently I’m unable to be with you in person but I am praying for all people protesting peacefully today and every day this heinous pandemic bill is being considered. My prayer is for the proposed Bill to be abolished in totality. God bless you all and may His will be done. Xxx
Thank you for organising this Day of Prayer and Fasting. We need God’s help so much in this difficult time where evil forces are on the ascendancy. Many are seeing this is a battle between good and evil so I believe there are more opportunities than usual to point despondent people to the real hope of the world, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
We have been praying that the LORD would bring the wicked Premiers down: either in repentance and faith in Him; or out of public office, in anothet way. That God would receive the glory.
Praying with you all .Appreciate your commitment and dedication to our Father the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
Lord we lift up our eyes towards you. For only you can deliver us in this time. I pray we will humble ourselves and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways.
Sure. I join in prayer for the State of Victoria.
We have been praying, that the LORD would bring down the wicked Premiers in Australia: either in repentance and faith in Him; or out of public office by another way, that He has chosen; that He would receive His rightful glory.