Artificial Intelligence or Supernatural Interference?
Elon Musk has said that with artificial intelligence, we are “summoning the demon”. Does AI open a door to the occult?
At the MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department’s 2014 Centennial Symposium, Elon Musk was quoted as saying, “With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon… You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like… yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon, [but] it doesn’t work out.”
Musk is not a Christian but he has a better working knowledge of the technology than most, and his observations should be noted.
Conjury With New Marketing
Recently, I have noticed Christians dabbling with artificial intelligence (AI) to generate spiritual imagery and illustrate biblical realities and truths. This doesn’t sit well with my spirit. I think this practice is fraught with danger and falls under the category of conjury, as described in Deuteronomy 18:10-11 (see also Deuteronomy 12:30-31 and Leviticus 20:6-8).
“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery, casts spells, consults a medium or spiritist, or inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD. And because of these detestable things, the LORD your God is driving out the nations before you.” – Deuteronomy 18:10-11
Since man and woman were created, Satan has appeared and offered forbidden knowledge and ‘eye-opening’ spiritual insights. Satan appears as an angel of light and is a master of deception. His wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. (James 3:15).
Even Christians are Susceptible
Using AI to generate spiritual imagery has Gnostic, occultic allure and I believe it is flirting with demonic inspiration. Over the years, I have witnessed Christians enticed by supposedly novel, ‘eye-opening’ revelations from Gnostic, occultic sources, only to have their faith shipwrecked.
Yes, even believers can be lured to take secret shortcuts into God’s treasure store of pure wisdom and knowledge. These secret shortcuts are false paths and lead to destruction. Satan was cunning when he said, “Your eyes will be opened and you will be like God.” The light he offers is darkness. (Luke 11:35). The freedom he offers is slavery.
What Fellowship Does Light Have With Darkness?
Interestingly, one of the global leaders in artificial intelligence is a company named Palantir. The company is named after one of several indestructible crystal balls from J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy novel, The Lord of the Rings. The word ‘palantir’ comes from Tolkien’s constructed Quenya language — palan meaning ‘far’, and tir meaning ‘watch over’. In Tolkien’s world, a palantir is “used for communication and to see events in other parts of Arda, or in the past.”
Put simply, the source and inspiration of AI-generated spiritual imagery are not pure. What fellowship does light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? (2 Corinthians 6:14-15). We must carefully guard our simple faith and sincere and pure devotion to Christ, in the face of the serpent’s cunning and a flood of deception in these days.
As Christians, we don’t need uncertain AI-inspired ‘spiritual’ enlightenment, when we have the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit. As Psalm 119:9 declares, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.”
Image via Unsplash.
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Wow interesting….I wonder if Angels can get involved in AI art…. I am looking into using it for a poetry book I’m doing.
Dylan, wow, sorry I missed this earlier, but concise and right down the line, thank you. I have yet to find a Christian in conversation, ‘coming out’ to say that AI is ‘not good or can be used for good’.