
Andrew Bogut Calls Out Trans Takeover of Women’s Basketball

17 March 2023

3.2 MINS

NBA alum, Andrew Bogut is facing backlash for exposing NBL1’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion erosion of women’s basketball.

Under the DEI pro-PRIDE policy, NBL1 is permitting a biological male to play in the women’s only upcoming season, without properly consulting, or notifying players.

The retired NBA pro announced the NBL1’s actions on Twitter, writing,

Word is NBL1 South Women, will have a biological Male playing this upcoming season. Are you ok with sacrificing the sanctity of Female Sport in the name of “inclusion”? #GirlDads where are you? The hashtag is trendy until action is needed.

Bogut, part-owner of NBL1 team, The Sydney Flames alongside famed Sydney Kings pulled rank, defended breaking the news, stating,

“Why’d I put it out? Because the league, and the clubs hadn’t been transparent, and didn’t let – not only people within the league know, up to a certain point — but members of that club [Kilsyth Cobras] don’t know. Other teams in that league don’t know.”

“So, the fact I put it out yesterday, and it’s created a s***storm today proves” the powers that be are spooked by someone “speaking out about it.”

“I’m not afraid to speak. It needs to be discussed,” he said.

“This athlete in question has already played a game. Yet, despite questions being asked about the player, the “game still went ahead.”

The follow-up video to his initial “Inclusion strikes again” Instagram post, added,

“There was a Zoom call last week informing coaches and leagues. Who were asked if they had an opinion (comically), none of them did in fear of losing their jobs.”

For example, Bogut explained, “one these coaches declined to make a comment about [the biological male playing in a biological female sport], saying: ‘I value my job’.”

The video also functioned as a press release, with the former NBA star telling media,

“I’m not going on all of your shows to discuss it. You can use this video. I got nothing against people that want to transition as adults. People can do what they want in their own bedrooms. Don’t care. None of my business.”

“I do have an issue however that you feel you need to infiltrate female women’s sports. Period!” he asserted.

Bogut acknowledged the trans testosterone testing regime.

He then argued against it, calling the panel of experts regulating the whole process “a very, very biased board.”

Summarising the majority of Bogut’s critics, Anneli Maleym who plays for Bendigo Spirit, lashed out at the pro-baller, describing his comments as “disgusting.”

The pro-Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 24-year-old Australian, declared, “SHE is a FEMALE…and SHE should be able to play the sport of the GENDER that SHE is.”

Maley told Bogut he had a an “old school dangerous attitude.” Then accused him of “misgendering.”

Bogut responded, “I find your progressive modern day new school nonsense dangerous.”

Spectator, and Sky News contributor, Katherine Deves, backed Bogut, criticising the NBL1 for demanding “female players ‘be kind’ to a man pretending to be a woman”.

The outspoken opponent of biological males taking over biological female spaces, nodded to Bogut’s bravery, saying,

“It never ceases to amaze me how some women cheer on their own oppression.”

Women’s Forum CEO, Rachel Wong thanked Andrew Bogut.

She linked the Women’s Forum Australia’s, research based, Save Women’s Sports petition (which you can sign here).

Kirralie Smith, director of Binary Australia shared a similar appreciation, writing,

“Thank you, Andrew for raising this. Females deserve safe and fair playing fields. Girls who speak out are ostracized & bullied into silence.”

It’s worth noting, the Binary director’s author page was deleted by Facebook mid-February.

The unappealable decision came after Smith tried to get Football Australia to justify pushing biological females out of their own sport.

Kirrialie’s cancellation is another real-life example about what happens to people if they challenge the same ACON approved, pro-PRIDE policies being sheepishly adopted by NBL1.

Andrew Bogut’s appeal to good legislation over LGBT lawfare, is consistent with his overall position on the DEI ideological takeover of sport.

In February, he criticised Football Australia for including “non-binary/Gender fluid,” and “Gender identity not sufficiently represented” in the signup sheets for 6-yr olds.

The former NBA star isn’t a stranger to being harassed for holding people to account.

He was allegedly targeted by the Victorian Electoral Commission, for accusing the Andrews Labor Government of corruption.

VEC came also came after him for urging people to vote out politicians who supported COVID-19 government overreach.

Bogut breaking news about the lack of transparency and consultation, correlates with pro-surfer, Bethany Hamilton’s critique of the World Surf League.

Hamilton criticised the WSL’s decision to put “trans” biological males in the biological female division.

The athletes are part of a growing list of professionals raising legitimate concerns about identity politics dictating the direction of their sport.


Photo by Wikimedia Commons.

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One Comment

  1. Kim Beazley 17 March 2023 at 5:11 pm - Reply

    Thanks, Rod. A great article. Of all the sports that favour a biological male against women, surely Basketball, with the requirement of height, is one of the most obvious.

    And Katherine Deves nailed the irony of female players supporting this prejudicial action when she tweeted, “It never ceases to amaze me how some women cheer on their own oppression”.

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