Dr Aseem Malhotra Australian Tour – Curing the Corruption of Medicine
By Dr Julie Sladden and Kara Thomas
Dr Aseem Malhotra is no stranger to speaking out about important health issues. Especially when these issues involve the interests of large corporations including the pharmaceutical industry. For the past decade, this world-renowned cardiologist and campaigner has taken on the food and pharma giants, speaking truth to power about sugar, saturated fats and statins. This time, Malhotra is using his voice to call for the suspension of mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations pending an investigation of serious side effects and independent analysis of raw trial data.
Dr Malhotra Changes His Mind
Despite supporting the initial vaccine program roll-out, and being twice-jabbed himself, Malhotra publicly changed his position in September 2022 following months of research after contact from whistle-blowers. Without a doubt, the untimely death of Malhotra’s previously fit and healthy father following a sudden heart attack and cardiac arrest just months after the vaccine, forced Malhotra to look closely at the safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines. This intense period of data collection and soul-searching culminated in two peer-reviewed papers which criticised the safety and efficacy of the jabs.
Since coming out strongly against the mRNA products, Malhotra has campaigned tirelessly in the media, and will now be touring Australia with the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS), thanks to sponsorship by TNT radio.
New Speaking Tour
Beginning on May 27th and travelling through New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Canberra and Western Australia, Malhotra will be joined by local Australian experts including pharmacist Dr Philip Altman, immunologist Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy, vaccine developer Professor Nikolai Petrovsky, GP and vaccine-injury class action organiser Dr Melissa McCann, alongside many notable Australian doctors who have been campaigning tirelessly to ‘stop the shots.’ Themed ‘Curing the Corruption of Medicine,’ the tour will cover topics such as the benefits and risks of the Covid vaccines, the danger of medical censorship, and the importance of informed consent.
After the past few years of mandates and now emerging injuries, this topic is crucial and the timing is critical. Malhotra explains, “the Covid-19 vaccination rollout is perhaps the greatest miscarriage of medical science we will witness in our lifetime.”
Together, AMPS, Dr Malhotra and tour speakers aim to help address the pandemic of misinformation and restore the significant erosion of public trust in healthcare in Australia. To this end, AMPS has been working hard to fight back against government overreach, reclaim medical ethics and restore the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship.
“Medical ethics and informed consent are fundamental principles that should guide the medical industry,” says Malhotra. “It is our responsibility as medical professionals to prioritise patient safety and well-being.”
We agree. The lives of Australians are depending on it.
Dates and How to Book Tickets
Check out the tour dates and venues and get your tickets by clicking here.
- 27–28 May, Sydney
- 30 May, Canberra
- 31 May, 1–2 June, Melbourne
- 6 June, Gold Coast
- 4 June, Adelaide
- 5, 7 June, Brisbane
- 10 June, Perth
Photo by AMPS.
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Dr Malhotra has a long and notorious history of making claims that are patently false, and therefore dangerous. They go back at least to 2013 when he was rapped over the knuckles by Diabetes UK for his claim that “the link between sugar and type 2 diabetes has been influenced by a corporate partnership” (https://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.f3999).
Then in 2016 he was one of the authors of a paper stating that most people with high cholesterol lived longer, which was roundly condemned by the medical profession:
Now he’s coming here to push the story that the COVID vaccines are causing huge numbers of deaths from heart attack. And what does he base this on? The death of his own father, Dr. Kailash Chand, who was a physician himself, who died months after receiving a COVID vaccine.
But as cardiologist Dr Dr. Frank Han reveals at https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-aseem-malhotra-lecture-isnt-what-you-think-it-is/:
” was also a patient known to have significant coronary artery disease and was at risk of heart attacks. His death due to cardiac arrest was reported at the BBC, and was explicitly described by Dr. Malhotra as likely being related to the ambulance delay (a genuine problem in the British NHS at the moment that deserves its own article). However, Dr. Malhotra is now trying to spin this as a vaccine injury. If someone thinks the vaccination is causing heart attacks, myocarditis, or sudden heart artery narrowing several months after the date of the immunization, do the research! If he thinks there is undiagnosed sudden coronary inflammation or accelerated atherosclerosis, do the research to see if this is the case! We at least need to see an animal study/ basic science study, and if this experiment supports the idea, then it should be followed by a human study. Physicians have never been allowed to make hypotheses and present them as truth in the absence of experimental evidence.”
As Dr Han’s article is description of a lecture he gave last November, the talking points are probably touching on everything he’s going to speak about here. So read it instead and save your money.
Nice try Kim, but being ‘rapped over the knuckles’ and ‘condemned’ by those restricted to club approved science only adds to his credibility. Read the crowd. Australians aren’t stupid and the mRNA doesn’t lie, it is doing exactly what legitimate science said it would, and as a result we are seeing our loved ones with numerous issues post jab and heart issues top the list. Cancers aren’t far behind. Canberra may be free of the mRNA effects but of course no one coerced the Federal lot into the medical experiment.
Not so nice try by you! Your mocking tone is so misplaced, especially when you show s
To describe those who are involved in proper research as “those restricted to club approved science” and c ranks like Malhotra as those involved in legitimate science”, it proves your opinion is totally devoid of credibility.
But if you want to, feel free to show me where in the copious links I’ve provided that “the club” is wrong.
But then, you’re so far down the rabbit hole that I hold little hope of that, as your comments on “seeing our loved ones with numerous issues post jab and heart issues top the list”, a typical anti-vaxxer lie, is one disproved by the data from billions of vaccinations worldwide, which prove how extremely rare heart inflammation is (the only heart issue linked with the vaccine), and how it’s normally mild and self correcting:
And there’s literally dozens of similar studies over the past two years which paint a similar picture. In fact, at https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/coronavirus-vaccine-your-questions-answered/myocarditis-and-covid-19-vaccines-should-you-be-worried they tell us that “There is no evidence that people are at an increased risk of cardiac arrest in the days or weeks following the Covid-19 vaccine”, as well as that “the rates of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid vaccines weren’t significantly different to other vaccines…including flu, smallpox, polio, measles, mumps and rubella”.
In other words, these heart issues have been around for ages in relation to other vaccines, and at the same extremely rare frequency, and nobody blinked!
Not only that, but did you know that heart attacks after COVID infection DO kill people, and in great numbers, as studies here and in the US have proved:
As for your fear that “Cancers aren’t far behind”, it turns out that the opposite is the fact. They’ve found that the immune response to the vaccine in cancer patients is SHRINKING tumours, and they have also been developing an mRNA vaccine for cancer for the past decade!
So next time you want to mock someone, make sure you know what you’re talking about!
If he was correct would you change your mind?
Whatever happened to our pluralistic society? ‘Certainty has nothing to do with “the facts“‘ Oscar Wilde. Surely none of us can be so ignorant that we would deny the freedom to speak?
Who is having that denied to them? Certainly not Malhotra.
great Aricle Dr Julie …this tour is very welcome and is supported by very well researched doctors etc and AMPS, so let them speak to the people and press and government …we should still be free to present data and have it assessed. These are reputable doctors and professors and the people need to hear their information ..thank you again Dr Julie.
For those that have never been a witness at an autopsy I can recommend that you talk to a pathologist or see for yourself, the issues caused by the current crop of mRNA vaccines. 1. never listen to politicians or journalists who have little understanding of biological science, criminal pharmacology businesses and only claim to fame is reading other peoples subsidized reports. 2. Most of the pro vaccine rhetoric is usually the same mouthpieces for left-wing gangster’s project, ‘End humanity or at least diminish it’. The self-proclaimed experts have a very limited practice of what they read probably because they a locked into their ideology speak. I have been to a seminar by Aseem Malhotra and he at least has the right credentials and is not a lackey of Big Pharma incentives. He is articulate and supports his arguments with credible and untainted sources.