136 results
11 February 2021
Do you remember how before the redefinition of marriage, people were saying that nothing would change, as well as how any mention of a ‘slippery slope’ was fear-mongering? That the sky wouldn’t fall in and life would simply continue on as it had before...Well, someone [...]
19 February 2020
Izzy is no longer allowed to play sport in Australia—of every sporting code—and so he has been forced to take up a contract overseas. But that hasn’t stopped a hostile media from relentlessly pursuing him to create a story, even when there isn’t one. Take [...]
16 December 2019
Back in 2017 I flew down to Tasmania to interview the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Hobart, Julian Porteous. The Archbishop had been brought before the Anti-Discrimination Board simply for producing a booklet outlining the traditional Christian understanding of marriage. But the real reason I went [...]
11 December 2019
What are we to make of the Israel Folau and Rugby Australia settlement? It appears that they have kissed and made up – sort of. As most folks would have heard by now, the long-running stand-off between star rugby player Israel Folau and Rugby Australia [...]
6 December 2019
Eight months after Rugby Australia sacked star fullback Israel Folau for expressing his faith on Instagram, the two parties have settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. Many Australians—and people the world over—have watched this story with interest, because of its implications for religious [...]
26 November 2019
Izzy Folau is in the news again for saying something offensive. This time it’s not because of something he posted on social media, but what he said in church. If you haven’t done so already, take the time to listen his twelve-minute sermon before reading [...]
23 July 2019
It’s been three months since Israel Folau’s sacking, but the nation’s big news outlets are still finding stories to publish about the saga. Last week, the Sydney Morning Herald carried two hit pieces on the former rugby star, and they’ve unsettled many who’ve sided with [...]
30 June 2019
Editor's Note: The Australian once again gives us an excellent article on Israel Folau's plight, with lawyer Josh Bornstein pointing out how corporations are overriding basic human rights and civil rights in their hamfisted attempts to placate those who play identity politics. This article is [...]
29 June 2019
It’s clear that Israel Folau is the latest target of media elites, intellectuals, and woke corporate executives. Just take a look at Mark Powell’s recent post and you’ll get a glimpse of how far their attacks have gone. While many support Folau’s right to express [...]
25 June 2019
The plot thickens daily for former rugby superstar Israel Folau. Back in April, Rugby Australia, under pressure from its major sponsor Qantas, sacked him for posting a paraphrased Bible verse on Instagram. In May, a tribunal upheld the decision, allowing Izzy’s $4 million contract to [...]
22 June 2019
Over two months have passed since Israel Folau found himself in the media spotlight, and buckets of ink are still being spilt as his story develops. In recent days, the focus has shifted to Izzy’s GoFundMe campaign. He’s hoping to raise $3.0M for his legal [...]
24 May 2019
By Martyn Iles. Israel Folau comprehensively upstaged the recent election campaign. But both leaders fled from the issue of his sacking by Rugby Australia over his social media posts, despite its obvious importance to ordinary people. They kept the conventional political wisdom, which is to [...]
7 May 2019
Australian rugby great Israel Folau is two days into his kangaroo court trial for quoting the Bible on social media. Rugby Australia has confirmed that the code of conduct hearing will continue for a third day on Tuesday, with experts tipping that a final verdict [...]
5 May 2019
Editor's Note: This Article from The Australian Newspaper is by Alan Jones. Just when you thought the administration of rugby could not get worse, it continues to be a sporting embarrassment. Does no one in a position of leadership understand the damage that is being [...]
26 April 2019
By Alan Jones for The Australian. It has been clear for months now that Rugby Australia do not listen. After all, they might have heeded some of the grassroots advice they have received. But it is now clear, in relation to the Israel Folau affair, [...]
21 April 2019
Editor's Note: Alan Jones explains the hypocrisy behind the Israel Folau story brilliantly. This story from The Australian is very much worth the read! Israel Folau has shown a rare degree of moral courage. The Australian APRIL 20, 2019 794 COMMENTS The rugby family are [...]
29 February 2020
He’s only played one game since being dumped by the Wallabies for paraphrasing a passage from the Bible but, according to Fox Sports, Israel Folau is already being feted as the top contender to take out Super League’s Man of Steel. Lee Radford, the coach [...]
26 November 2019
Izzy Folau is in the headlines again. Like last time, he’s been trending on social media. He’s been condemned in the mainstream media. And this time it’s because of a sermon he preached at his church on Sunday. His sermon was aimed mostly at non-Christian [...]
5 July 2019
There has obviously been a lot written on the whole fiasco involving Israel Folau and Rugby Australia, but the reporting has been far from accurate. Take for instance the evidence provided by former Wallaby captain, Nick Farr-Jones, who was interviewed at the start of the [...]
4 July 2019
Like Australia’s Israel Folau, Felix Ngole from the UK is a litmus test regarding freedom of religion, as well as freedom of speech, in the Western World. Just in case you’re not familiar with his case, Mr Ngole had been previously dismissed from his postgraduate [...]
27 June 2019
Since the re-definition of marriage, no one is denying the validity of the “slippery-slope” argument anymore. Instead, they’re simply shaking their heads and wondering, “Has the world has gone mad?!” It seems as though the world is hurtling down the slope faster than the Gadarene [...]
25 June 2019
Having already written 14 full or partial articles in the past 14 months about Christian Rugby star Israel Folau, I really did not think I would be writing any more. But as anti-Christian bigotry and Folau-bashing keeps ramping up, it looks like I need to [...]
22 June 2019
Now that Israel Folau has had his contract with Rugby Australia torn up, it seems that his wife Maria’s future with Netball South Australia as well as Netball Australia is also being called into question. Well, at least by certain journalistic activists in the media [...]
3 June 2019
Editor’s Note: This brilliant article by well-known writer Kel Richards in The Australian deserves wider readership here. Please see original article here. ___ On April 10, Israel Folau posted on his Instagram account the following message: “Warning: Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolators: [...]
20 May 2019
Some apparatchiks amongst the leftist media elite—i.e. The Guardian—are claiming that the primary reason Israel Folau should be immediately sacked by Rugby Australia is that his words are causing LGBTIQ youth to commit suicide. For instance, former NRL star and the first openly gay footballer, [...]
17 October 2024
When planning for the next federal election, due by September 2025, with some pundits suggesting as early as March, Prime Minister Albanese (aka one-term Albo) cannot ignore the Christian vote, the majority of which is Catholic.
2 October 2024
How does the Bible help Christians disagree well with each other and with non-Christians? There’s much that could be (and should be) said. But for the sake of brevity, here are 9 points that have helped me enormously.
18 September 2024
The problem with the government’s approach is that it goes way beyond truth and lies, but about an arbitrary judgment by faceless bureaucrats of what is or isn’t true or what is or isn’t harmful.
14 August 2024
A shockingly frivolous complaint against the Church And State ministry and me personally has since been made with the Queensland Human Rights Commission, falsely alleging that I vilified and humiliated an individual because of his race and religion.
18 June 2024
What has happened to Dr Jereth Kok is an appalling example of diabolical cancel culture at its worst. What we have are noisy minority groups wielding incredible power over innocent and conscientious professionals. This is so very wrong on so many levels.
26 March 2024
The things which are exclusive about Christianity are the very things that make it the idea most likely to produce the inclusive society the Left say they want.
28 February 2024
The more than 70 applicants were deprived of their human rights, the Queensland Supreme Court found on Tuesday.
26 December 2023
Big Business is on notice after 64% of Australians told pollsters they're put off by corporate wokeness.
16 November 2023
Now, after four long years, it seems she finally has been vindicated. After years of grief and turmoil, she is now hopefully finished with this ugly secular witch-hunt. In my books, Päivi Räsänen is a real champion. We certainly need more bold and sold-out Christian politicians like her.
2 October 2023
What’s happened to us as a sporting nation? When I was growing up, the Wallabies were living legends. They were role models young and old people wanted to emulate.
15 September 2023
Qantas knows how to virtue signal and become embroiled in scandals, but can it still provide a good service to the Australian customer?
22 May 2023
Rugby Australia has become the latest sporting code to announce their support for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. However, the “last time” they decided to get involved in politics it was to “shut down the voice” of Israel Folau, says Sky News Australia host James [...]
27 February 2023
Alongside pandemic cronyism’s cost-of-living pressures, the battle for religious freedom is a vital political battleground. As a long-cherished key component of freedoms, protected under Christ-centred classical liberalism, freedom of religion is the proverbial canary in the coal mine. Learn from the history of Eastern Europe [...]
27 February 2023
Onwards and upwards for Martyn Iles. Most folks have heard the news that the head of the Australian Christian Lobby, Martyn Iles, is moving on. Or, perhaps more accurately, has been given his marching orders by the Board. That has caught most of us by [...]
6 February 2023
An in-depth analysis of Australian politics during the last few decades of societal upheaval and economic woes. What values and principles guide our major parties? In 1999, Australia conducted its largest taxpayer-funded focus group -- the referendum on a republic. Voting in the referendum was [...]