238 results
2 October 2024
Australia’s Capital Territory is considering a proposal to expand its voluntary assisted dying scheme so that those with reduced mental capacity can consent to their death by euthanasia.
1 October 2024
Apart from having the highest death rate, Queensland also has the title of the first coronial inquest into a wrongful death under its euthanasia laws.
7 June 2024
The Australian Capital Territory has passed the nation’s most extreme voluntary assisted dying laws, after last-minute attempts by Liberal MPs to pass amendments were defeated. The Legislative Assembly passed the bill on 5 June, and the law will come into effect on 3 November 2025.
10 April 2024
On the 75th Anniversary of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Pontiff of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, has published a major document entitled “Dignitas Infinita” or “Infinite Dignity”.
28 December 2023
The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is on the brink of implementing the most permissive euthanasia laws in the country, perpetuating a concerning culture of death.
30 August 2023
ACT Human Rights Minister Tara Cheyne said that the government was considering allowing children as young as 14 to access voluntary assisted dying.
11 August 2023
Canada’s euthanasia industrial complex provides a cautionary tale for other nations considering legalised assisted suicide. Canada legalised euthanasia in 2016. The law originally allowed assisted suicide only for people facing imminent death. Now anyone suffering severe pain or a disability can opt for euthanasia. Canada’s [...]
17 May 2023
You are the carbon they want to reduce. A Canadian military veteran has been offered euthanasia instead of a wheelchair ramp at her home. A rare mistake? Canadian academics reckon homeless people should be given access to euthanasia. And one in four Canadians agree. Heartbreaking. [...]
15 November 2022
Nihilism is pervading our increasingly secular world. The unifying feature across all progressive ideologies today is that they are fundamentally anti-human. Whether it’s the mad panic to get to net zero -- irrespective of the human cost -- or the gender botherers’ relentless campaign to [...]
14 September 2022
The Restoring Territory Rights Bill, which aims to overturn the 25-year-old ban on euthanasia laws in the Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory, was introduced into the Senate last week. It comes after the private member's bill passed the House of Representatives, 99 votes to [...]
17 August 2022
The Restoring Territory Rights Bill, which plans to overturn the 25-year-old ban on euthanasia legislation in the Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory, was passed in the House of Representatives on Wednesday 3 August, 99 votes to 37. The private member's bill was briefly debated [...]
16 August 2022
Victorian MP Fiona Patten is pushing a new bill that aims to take away the rights of publicly funded hospitals with religious affiliations to refuse to perform abortions and euthanasia. The state’s current laws allow women to access an abortion up to 24 weeks into [...]
19 May 2022
In a tragic development for pro-life groups around the country, New South Wales has become the last state in Australia to pass assisted dying legislation. The bill passed the NSW Upper House after a lengthy debate and the amendments were accepted by the Lower House. [...]
11 April 2022
A young friend's life and death in the loving care of her family is a demonstration of how life is worth living despite suffering and loss. Euthanasia, or assisted suicide, is an overly simplistic answer to the natural human experience of suffering and death. We [...]
25 February 2022
As the New South Wales Parliament debates the Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Bill, we review why euthanasia and assisted suicide are fundamentally wrong, eroding our society's care and concern for the elderly, disabled, mentally ill and vulnerable. As I write, the Parliament of New South [...]
14 February 2022
Euthanasia is set to be debated in NSW in the next few months. Please sign and share this petition to tell the state's upper house that we value life and want to see the vulnerable protected. We need your help. Within months, euthanasia will be [...]
21 October 2021
We are more than halfway through our month of Prayer and Fasting for Family and Nation, and there are many things we are praying for. One prayer we did not expect to see answered so dramatically is that the euthanasia bill, recently tabled in the [...]
13 October 2021
With euthanasia once again before the New South Wales Parliament, it is critical that Christians understand the worldview that underpins perspectives that support abortion and euthanasia. An Interesting Experiment During an emergency drill at work, a smoke machine was set off in our printer room [...]
17 September 2021
In a tragic development in the fight for life, the Queensland parliament has voted overwhelmingly to support new euthanasia laws. Nonetheless, while the results are hugely disappointing, Christians were at the forefront of the opposition to the bill. On Thursday afternoon, sixty-one members of parliament [...]
8 July 2021
Munganbana Norman Miller, Convenor of the Voice of First Nations Peoples Against Euthanasia, said from Cairns today: “We need to protect our elders, First Nations and others, from the Queensland government’s plans to legalise euthanasia in the form of Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation, and I [...]
9 June 2021
Euthanasia laws are sweeping across Australia and much of the West. This so-called 'right to die' is now asserted as a natural human right with passionate zeal. It's framed as an individual's independent decision about their own life (and death). To this end, gut-wrenching stories [...]
24 May 2021
Munganbana Norman Miller, Convenor of the Voice of First Nations Peoples Against Euthanasia, said from Cairns today that “All lives matter and Black Lives Matter.” He said, “Because the Queensland government will be introducing Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation into parliament this week, we have to [...]
18 December 2020
Members of the ‘left-wing movement’ in the NSW parliament are again pushing ahead with a bill to legalise euthanasia. If this bill goes ahead, NSW will become known as the ‘Killing State’ having legalised Abortion and rejected Zoe’s Law. Alex Greenwich MP announced last week [...]
28 November 2020
ACTION ALERT! YOUR CHANCE TO OPPOSE DOCTORS KILLING PATIENTS STOP THE EUTHANASIA BILL! Pro-life Tasmanians are being urged to gather: Outside State Parliament, tomorrow 2 p.m. Sun 29 Nov. and between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. during the debate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. for [...]
6 October 2020
JESUS' ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE DYING In my Father's house there are many mansions... I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself; so that where I am, [...]
18 February 2020
Richard Dawkins is the gift that just keeps on giving. Well, at least for us religious types who believe in God and hold to a Judeo-Christian worldview. Dawkins consistently makes the alternative look downright ridiculous. Take for instance one of his most recent tweets on [...]
10 December 2019
Do a huge majority of Australians really support euthanasia, as is often claimed? Most people do not understand what is meant by euthanasia. It would seem that most people are opposed to the unnecessary prolonging of life and think that a patient – or his/her [...]
4 November 2019
by Michael Cook, editor of MercatorNet. Jurisdictions which permit assisted suicide or euthanasia suck all the oxygen out of media coverage of this topic. To put the issue in perspective, assisted suicide or euthanasia is only legal in Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and a [...]
10 October 2019
Labor senator and the father of Aboriginal reconciliation, Pat Dodson, has voiced his serious concerns about the voluntary assisted dying bill likely to pass WA’s parliament. In a passionate plea, the First Nations leader put pen to paper, declaring “Aboriginal people do not need a [...]
9 October 2019
by Warwick d'Silva, Australian Family Association In St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday 29th September at 3pm, an Interfaith Prayer Service was held. This service was to pray for the parliamentarians debating the Voluntary Assisted Dying bill. Proceedings commenced with a general welcome by Bishop Sproxton, [...]
30 August 2019
The big social morality issues facing our nation currently, as all readers of the Daily Declaration will know, are Euthanasia/Physician Assisted Suicide (EPAS), now re-titled as Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD); abortion, now re-titled Reproductive Health Care Reform; transgenderism; the absent care of babies “accidentally” born [...]
24 June 2019
Assisted suicide became legal in the Australian state of Victoria Jun 19, 2019. See excellent article by Xavier Symons. This article highlights the fact that in some studies euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is requested for pain relief in only about a quarter of people, with [...]
3 April 2019
Throughout the ages, people of faith have tended to believe that the end of human life lies within the Divine prerogative – that is to say that life belongs to God and thus is His to give and take, so God alone has the right [...]
31 December 2024
As 2024 comes to a close, I really do think we have reason for hope. The tide has begun to turn on many social and cultural issues and we are beginning to see a bit of a return to normality.
21 December 2024
A personal tribute to Hon Kevin Andrews — a man who loved his wife, his family, his nation and his God.
17 December 2024
Former long-serving Federal minister Kevin Andrews was remembered for his decades of selfless commitment to the country, his family and his Catholic faith, after his death from cancer aged 69 on 14 December.
10 December 2024
Regrettably and importantly, the assisted dying bill gives no direction as to what the doctor should do if the “lethal” dose does not, in fact, kill the patient. This will certainly happen and it needs to be specified if the bill is to become law.
18 November 2024
As the abortion campaign to use legislative and economic coercion on public and Catholic hospitals to perform abortions expands, legislation is needed to protect the right to conscientious objection for medical professionals.
15 November 2024
In Australia, a curse is on the land, caused by the lack of righteousness in the land, and our self-centredness. How are we here in Australia going to escape God’s judgement? We are looking down the barrel of a righteous God! We are in line for His judgement. What a nation sows, it will also reap!
14 November 2024
Joe de Bruyn is a well-known Catholic trade-unionist who was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne. He gave a speech in thanksgiving for the award, which prompted a disconcerting walk-out by graduates and faculty members.