599 results
27 August 2024
Is it acceptable to use a so-called “transgender” person’s self-chosen name when speaking, writing, or even thinking about them? Or, is this something of which God disapproves? These are questions that confront Christians following the sudden rise of transgender ideology.
21 August 2024
The debate about trans rights is not really an argument about trans rights, it’s an argument about truth. When you understand this, you understand why transgenderism has become the dominant issue in the culture wars.
13 June 2024
Recently, lawyers have been distinguishing themselves in some surprising ways as regards the ideological assault on our society known as the "transgender agenda".
28 May 2024
Transgenderism is becoming increasingly common among young people. Despite the fact that the trans youth population has doubled over five years (according to some sources), it is maintained that this is not a social contagion. But where did this concept of “gender identity” come from?
11 April 2024
The research, which tracked almost 3,000 adolescents, found that most who identified as transgender eventually embraced their biological sex.
4 April 2024
Supposedly-Catholic Joe Biden rebadged Christianity's holiest day, Easter Sunday, as Transgender Day of Visibility.
21 February 2024
A recent spate of attacks by mass shooters identifying as transgender raises important questions about the drugs and ideology fuelling the trans movement.
6 February 2024
Australia’s first ever inquiry into transgender ‘treatment’ for children has the support of key conservative Labor MPs and is expected to be announced on Tuesday.
29 January 2024
Transgenderism and abortion are top priorities for Marxist-background World Health Organization Director Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus.
25 January 2024
In a victory for commonsense, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal has declined to deal with a transgender vilification complaint against Kirralie Smith.
25 January 2024
The World Health Organization appointed more gender activists than medical professionals in selecting a panel to draft new transgender health guidelines.
28 December 2023
Transgender extremism suffered major setbacks in 2023, with 23 United States state legislatures passing 84 separate laws protecting both children and parents.
19 December 2023
Conservative Christians were mocked when warning about the dangers of transgenderism, but they were also correct.
22 November 2023
I believe that transgenderism is, like euthanasia, yet another offshoot of the abortion industry and that we will continue to see more attacks against life, each new one crueller than the last.
2 November 2023
Kirralie Smith, the spokesperson for Binary Australia, discusses vitally important topics ranging from the damaging effects of puberty blockers to current legal challenges in Australia.
23 October 2023
Senator Alex Antic has introduced his Childhood Gender Transition Prohibition Bill 2023, which seeks to ban gender reassignment medical and surgical interventions for minors.
6 September 2023
Is sanity making a comeback? Over the weekend, Australia’s highest-rating news service shone a spotlight on transgender regret.
28 July 2023
Transgender ideology is not going away. Understand the movement and how to respond by checking out this brand new documentary. Transgenderism was a fringe idea just a few years ago. Now it is a booming industry. It has been tempting — for Christians especially — [...]
20 June 2023
Transgender surgery makes people feel lonelier and more socially isolated, according to a German researcher who profits from the practice. People identifying as transgender who undergo so-called “gender affirming” surgery are lonelier than those who have not undergone such procedures, according to a study released [...]
1 June 2023
In mid-2021, British social media influencer Oli London came out as non-binary and Korean, as reported at the time by MercatorNet. London took his double transition extremely seriously, with 18 facial surgeries to prove it. The surgeries began as an experiment in feminisation, though in time London [...]
18 May 2023
Starbucks coffee chain spreads the transgendered gospel. As if to prove that they have learned absolutely nothing from the Bud Light fiasco, Starbucks has decided to make their coffee the brew of choice for the gender confused. It’s like they saw what trans influencer Dylan [...]
16 May 2023
Where are the limits to self-definition? Seven years ago, a short video went viral that has stood the test of time like few others. It featured Joseph Backholm of the Family Policy Institute of Washington interviewing students at the University of Washington about gender bathroom [...]
5 May 2023
The bitter taste of your own medicine: US politician beats trans activists at their own game. Trans activists insist Indiana councilman Ryan Webb is “making a mockery of gender fluidity” by purporting to show her transition from a straight white man to a lesbian woman [...]
5 May 2023
Militant transgenderism kills – literally. People have died because of this insanity, and many more have been injured for life. And it brings about death in so many other ways. The very notion of womanhood is dying. Childhood is dying. Biology is dying. Truth is dying. Freedom [...]
4 April 2023
President Joe Biden chose an awkward week to promote one of his favourite causes. President Joe Biden has issued an official proclamation establishing March 31 as a holiday to be known as “Transgender Day of Visibility”. His declaration comes at the end of a conspicuously visible [...]
30 March 2023
Christians were targeted in the latest mass shooting in America, first by the killer and then by a malevolently dishonest media. The city of Nashville is in mourning after the mass shooting of six locals, three of them children, at The Covenant School in Tennessee [...]
2 December 2022
The ABC and RMIT’s CheckMate fact check has exposed its bias by fabricating and then “debunking” a claim it attributed to Binary Australia in the lead-up to the Victorian election. Binary spokeswoman Kirralie Smith demanded a formal apology, and the ABC later backtracked. In an [...]
22 November 2022
Several countries are abandoning unconditional support for the social and medical transitioning of children, yet, in Australia these huge policy changes go unreported by the publicly funded ABC and SBS. Last February, an interim report by Dr Hilary Cass, former president of Britain’s Royal College [...]
5 September 2022
Human biology and the wishful concept of transgenderism are simply incompatible. “There are people who want to change their gender, but they can’t do it,” Dr Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, 1995 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine for her research in early embryonic development, told German [...]
31 August 2022
An effort by the Biden administration to require doctors and hospitals to perform abortions and gender-transition procedures has been blocked by the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. This has been called “a major victory for conscience rights and compassionate medical care [...]
24 August 2022
The government, public health officials, and mainstream media, tainted by transgender-affirming ideology, are all complicit in preventing parents of gender dysphoric children from accessing the latest news and best practice healthcare for their suffering offspring. Failing to affirm a person’s chosen gender is now illegal [...]
16 August 2022
Understanding why transgenderism dominates the culture wars. Jesus answered, “The reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me.” “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. Then Pilate took Jesus and had [...]
25 March 2022
The media pushes a one-sided view of transgender ideology. Let us turn to scripture to discover our true identity, created in the image and likeness of God. One morning I came across a TV program on the ABC called My Life. Made by the BBC, [...]
4 November 2021
The trans revolution has launched a war of ideas. In order to engage in this war, we need to be equipped with the truth. Here are some essential books to add to your arsenal. It was not all that long ago when hardly anyone was [...]
25 October 2021
Adult activists pushing their radical ideologies on innocent children have a lot to answer for. Children should be allowed to be children, but today they are in the cross-hairs as everything is being politicised, including medicine and science. This is certainly being played out in [...]
25 March 2021
A few years ago, a friend posted on Facebook a meme comprised of a picture with a Soviet-Russian bear and the words, “My favourite gender-neutral pronoun is comrade”. At first I thought they were joking, but then I quickly realised that they were completely serious. [...]
12 March 2021
An excerpt from Kurt’s new book Cross and Culture: Can Jesus Save the West? As a Christian and a former pastor, I am familiar with what it looks like for someone to have a “born-again” experience. Not all conversions are the same, but they generally [...]
19 February 2021
“Apparently there’s no longer enough money in the abortion racket. Now Planned Parenthood has found a new class of victims to exploit,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., Founder and President of the Ruth Institute. Morse was reacting to an explosive interview with an anonymous [...]
19 January 2021
“Removing healthy breasts is irrevocable and unconscionable,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., in response to the California Department of Insurance stating insurance companies must pay for the breast removal of teenaged girls “transitioning” to boys. Further, these operations are no longer [...]
23 October 2020
The time for politeness on this issue has passed. Biologists and medical professionals need to stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex. When authoritative scientific institutions ignore or deny empirical fact in the name of social accommodation, it is an egregious betrayal to [...]