The Canberra Declaration Team

Guest Writers


Ada Boland

Adam James

Akos Balogh

Alan Steele

Alex Antic

Alison K.

Alison Marsh

Allan Meyer

Alyce Magnussen

Alyse Anderson

Andrew Scarborough

Andrew Smith

Anja Letsatsi

Angie Mahlburg

Ann Browne

Anne Dowling

Anne Hamilton

Annie Cathcart

Archbishop Anthony Fisher

Archbishop Julian Porteous

Ariel Casanova

Aschallew Robelie

Australian Family Coalition

Australian Medical Network

Australian Medical Professionals Society


Barbara Burns

Barbara Miller

Ben Taylor

Betty Harbottle

Bill Muehlenberg

Bishop Michael McKenna

Bob Day AO

Brian Pickering

Brian Robertson

Brett Ryan

Bruce and Cheryl Lindley

Byron and Francine Pirola


Camilla Dian

Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation

Cath Chegwidden

Charles Newington

Charlotte Marandawela

Chris Bowditch

Christina M. Sorrentino

Christopher Noone

Cindy Jacobs

Cindy McGarvie

Cody Mitchell

Conor Ryan

Corinne Smith

Corneliu Pop


Daniel Sih

Daniel Pandji

Dave Pellowe

Dave St Henry

David Fawcett

David Jones

David Marks

David Nott

David Ould

David Robertson

David Rowsome

David Thunder

Dean Briggs

Don Feder

Donny McGregor

Dr Barry Chant

Dr David Logan

Dr Debbie Garratt

Dr Dylan Wilson

Dr Graham McLennan

Dr Guy Campbell

Dr Jennifer Roback Morse

Dr Jim Twelves

Dr Joanna Howe

Dr John Whitehall

Dr Jonathan Cole

Dr Julie Sladden

Dr Lachlan Dunjey

Dr Mark Harwood

Dr Michael Brown

Dr Phil Greer

Dr Philip Morris AM

Dr Robert W. Malone

Dr Robyn Stephenson

Dr Stephen Chavura

Dr Stuart Piggin

Dylan Oakley


Enoch Lavender

Eric Abetz

Erin Strahan


Family Life International

FamilyVoice Australia

Flinder Hiew

Frans Ammerlaan


Gabrielle Walsh

Gail Petherick

George Christensen

Gerardine Hansen

Glenn Davies

Glenn Hodson

Gloria Watkins

Graham McDonald

Greg Bondar

Greg O’Neill


Heidi Fragar

Helen Blanch

Helen Brown

Hilary Moroney

Hugh and Jane Marquis

Hugh Menzies


Ian Burrell

Ian Clarkson

Isaac Parkinson


Jack Sonnemann

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

James Condon

James Dargin

James Jeffery

James Macpherson

James Parker

Jamie Pryor

Jana Swanepoel

Jane Lee

Janice Shaw Crouse

Jason Hubbard

Jason Wong

Jean Seah

Jeff Daly

Jeffrey Stacey

Jeffry Babb

Jenny Hagger

Jereth Kok

Jerry Lissing

Jessie Skelly

Jill Curry

Jodeci Dunick

Jodie Pickard

Joel Jammal

Joelle Cullen

John Ballantyne

John Blacket

John Gilmore

John Morrissey

John Potter

John Robb

John Stapleton

John Tuttle

John Vucko

John Wilkins

Jordan Gommer

Josephine Bartley

Josephine Cashman

Joshua Halls

Josiah Sherwen

Juliet Ballinger


Kamal Weerakoon

Kameel Majdali

Kara Thomas

Kate Keegan

Katherine Blundstone

Kathy Clubb

Katy Faust

Kaylene Housego

Kelvin Crombie

Kevin Andrews

Kevin Holland

Kevin Stickl

Kim Beazley

Kirralie Smith

Kurt Mahlburg

Kurt Mahlburg and Ps James Dargin

Kurt Mahlburg and Samuel Hartwich

Kurtis Budden

Kym Farnik


Lana Vawser

Lara Malin Wynyard

Larissa Louise Alivio

Lawrence DeMarco

Leonie Robson

Lex Stewart

Lou Engle

Luchi Miranda-Ventura

Luke McCormack

Luke Powell

Lyle Shelton

Lyndal Walker

Lynnis Bonanno

Lynore Geia


Macaire Bromley

Malcolm Finlayson

Margaret Court

Marilyn Rodrigues

Mark Brown

Mark Durie

Mark Elvery

Mark Powell

Marshall Ballantine-Jones

Martyn Iles

Matt Madigan

Matt Ransom

Merv and Sharon Stevenson

Michael Cook

Michael Cruz

Michelle Kaboro

Michelle Pearse

Michelle Ricciardello

Mike Hey

Minny Jackson

Mirelle Curtis

Moira Deeming

Molly Joshi

Monica Bennett-Ryan

Monica Doumit

Monica Smit


Nathan K.

Nathaniel Marsh

National Civic Council

Neil Foster

Nel Farnik

Nicola Centofanti

Nicole Yap

Nigel Irwin

Norman & Barbara Miller

Norman Miller


Pat Steele

Patrick Byrne

Paul Bedwell

Paul Ninnes

Paul Roe

Pearl Miller

Peter Barnes

Peter Kelleher

Peter Walker

Peter Westmore

Petrina Neufeld

Phil Pringle

Philip Huggins


Rabi Gunaratnam

Rachael Wong

Rachel Borneman

Ralph Babet

Ramesh Thakur

Ray Barnett

Rebekah Barnett

Rick Brown

Robert Evans

Robyn Murray

Rod Lampard

Rodney Hall

Rodney Rivers

Rosalyn Forsyth

Rosalyn Scrimgeour

Ross McPhee

Roy Fanu

Russell Broadbent

Ruth Marrion

Ruth Webb

Ryan Kraeger


S.A. McCarthy

Samuel Hartwich

Scott Hanzy

Sean Nolan

Sean Stanton

Sharon Cousins

Shiree Lind

Steve Ahern

Stuart Millar

Sue Soong

Sue Tinworth

Suzanne Bowdey


Teeshan Johnson

Teri Kempe

Thomas Eglinton

Tim Edwards

Tim Pearce

Tom Kenyon

Tony Baines

Tony McLennan

Tony Gray

Tony Perkins

Trinity Westlake

Trish Davis


Vickie Janson

Vincent Bowyer

Viv Forbes


Wanda Fost

Warwick Marsh

Warwick Marsh and Kurt Mahlburg

Warwick Marsh and Samuel Hartwich

Wayne Grudem

Wayne Hollett

Wayne Vincent

Wendy Yapp

Werner Nachtigal

William Kininmonth

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