28 August 2023
Let’s make this Father’s Day a huge celebration, and help create a better world for our children at the same time.
23 February 2023
3.8 MINS
The question hit me with fresh force as I read it: ‘What gender is your child?’ I had read and answered similar questions before, at least about my gender. But this question from my son’s local soccer club about his gender gave the following options: [...]
14 February 2023
1.5 MINS
Harry Styles is being used to promote gender confusion among pre-teens and teenagers. He’s a pawn in a battle for the souls of a generation of Zoomers. Sadly, many Zoomers -- but not all -- are so brainwashed and confused that they have no idea [...]
5 January 2023
2.4 MINS
How intellectual stupidity and moral cowardice allowed the culture to be trashed. I’ve heard this expression used numerous times as a reason for people to stay silent in the face of evil. I’ve heard preachers say it from pulpits, and receive applause as if they [...]
8 August 2022
2.5 MINS
If an adult like Lovato can change her mind about what "gender" she is, why are we allowing children to have disfiguring surgery and dangerous hormone treatments on the basis of their changeable feelings? Singer Demi Lovato -- who last year changed her pronouns to [...]
21 June 2022
5.2 MINS
Upon careful examination, the UK's legislation against "conversion therapy" is full of inconsistencies. Those who choose to de-transition after trying out the transgender lifestyle are simply not considered. And what about those who see-saw between L/G/B and T? British politicians have been debating so-called “conversion [...]
7 December 2021
5.9 MINS
A modern twist on an old fable: The Emperor's advisors assure him that his new idea about gender is brilliant and all the people will love it. But what happens when the children spot the Emperor's folly? Many years ago, there was an Emperor so [...]
25 August 2021
Indigenous leaders are incensed over the conflation of traditional Aboriginal culture and the Wiggles' new LGBT-friendly iteration. Australian children’s entertainers The Wiggles have been criticised for adopting diversity advice that effectively amounts to grooming children into “woke” gender and sexual fads, which have no place [...]
21 August 2020
Even as an adult, it can be an intimidating and daunting task to untangle and challenge the lies of transgender ideology which are permeating our culture. Words are losing their meaning, science is losing its relevance, and debate is losing its dignity. How can we [...]
1 July 2020
3.3 MINS
What do Germaine Greer and J. K. Rowling have in common? Until recently, an obvious answer was that they are strident feminists. But more recently, these two have another claim to fame: they’ve been ‘cancelled’ by mainstream culture for not being radical enough. In a [...]
17 June 2020
7.3 MINS
J.K. Rowling, author of the immensely popular children’s book series Harry Potter, has been in the firing line in recent years for her commonsense views on transgenderism and biological sex. Last week she faced another Twitter storm when she took a stand for sanity. Responding [...]
15 June 2020
1.1 MINS
Ruth Institute Rejects UN “Gender-Neutral Language” Manipulation Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said the United Nations’ attempt to make language more politically correct is “another advance for the Sexual Revolution and a further descent into barbarism.” A UN bureaucrat recently tweeted that [...]
10 June 2020
5.2 MINS
Cultural Marxism is a seductive secular philosophy deeply opposed to Christianity. But what exactly is it? And how should Christians respond?
4 June 2020
4.2 MINS
Questions can be powerful. Answers reveal a lot. In apologetics the traditional method is to answer questions. Author and pastor Timothy Keller argues that it should focus on questioning people’s answers. I wanted to test this theory myself, so I reached out to a young [...]
25 April 2020
1.3 MINS
As if the recent revelations about the World Health Organisation's (WHO) relationship with the Chinese Communist Party regarding the cover-up of COVID-19 were not enough, along comes this. Family Watch International has published an explosive exposé regarding the role of the WHO in actively promoting [...]
12 March 2020
5.5 MINS
We were clearly warned about this brave new world: In the 1930s and 1940s two parallel movements were arising: cultural Marxism, and those warning about tyrannical statism. As to the latter, we had dystopian novels penned by Aldous Huxley (Brave New World – 1932) and [...]
11 March 2020
7.8 MINS
By Mei Ling. The T.C. Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland was established by a £20,000 donation from Thomas Charles Beirne, a devout Catholic businessman and Papal Knight who was warden of the University from 1928 to 1941. The vast tract of [...]
13 February 2020
A couple years back during that infamous postal vote, 62% of Australians who responded (equivalent to just under half of all those eligible to vote) indicated they were in favour of legalising same-sex marriage. During the debate, many warned that if marriage was redefined, a [...]
5 February 2020
1.9 MINS
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., Founder and President of the Ruth Institute, warned those attending the Uganda National Youth Conference of the new colonialism of the Sexual Revolution. Morse declared: “The old economic colonialism attempted to dominate the physical resources of the African continent. The [...]
14 January 2020
2.4 MINS
The president of UQ’s conservative Liberal National Club, who protested a children’s drag queen event at a Brisbane library on Sunday, has been found dead. Wilson Gavin, 21, was found by Queensland police and ambulance services at Chelmer Railway Station just after 7am the day [...]