Pirate Pete’s Patronising Paternalism

3 August 2020

1.9 MINS

Israel Folau is in the news again, and this time it’s for something he didn’t do. Over the weekend, Folau was the only person — players and officials included — on the field to not take a knee in support of Black Lives Matter. To his credit, the coach of the Catalan Dragons, the French rugby union team Folau now plays for, issued the following statement:

‘‘As a club we are completely against racism and all for equal opportunity. But there were some players and staff who made the decision not to take the knee, that was based on personal choice and we decided we would respect anyone’s personal choice on the matter.’’

But that wasn’t enough for Fairfax journalist Peter FitzSimons, who tweeted:

It’s clearly been awhile since FitzSimons has cracked open a Bible. One of my fellow clergy was quick to point out the obvious truths that he was missing:

As has now become clear, the Black Lives Matter™ organisation is not only deeply anti-Christian, as evidenced in its own What We Believe statement, but has also produced the bitter fruit of even greater racial disharmony and acts of violence. This is precisely what Jesus Himself warned His followers about regarding those who are false prophets (see Matthew 7:15-20). What would God want? He’d tell people to watch out for and have nothing to do with them! Thus, what Folau is doing is completely in keeping with the teaching of the New Testament.

But there is another — more significant — problem with what FitzSimons is saying. And that is this, why should Folau be bullied by certain sections of the media into doing what he doesn’t want to do? What is it with the Left that they feel the need to patronisingly educate people from other cultures about what is, and is not, socially acceptable?

For someone who doesn’t believe in God or the Bible, FitzSimons sure can be preachy. It’s just a shame that FitzSimons didn’t listen more when he was at Peats Ridge Sunday School. Because maybe he would’ve heard what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount when He said:

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way as you judge other, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
~ Matthew 7:1

[Photo by Life Matters from Pexels]

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