Post-Divorce Gates Foundation Still Pushing Population Control in Africa
Following the announcement of Bill and Melinda Gates’ divorce, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said,
“Divorce is always tragic for children, even older children such as the three Gates children. The Ruth Institute offers sympathy and condolences to the Gates children for the loss of their parents’ union.
“The metaphorical child of the Gates’ marriage, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will evidently continue to have the involvement of both its parents. The Foundation will keep promoting population control, including abortion, in Africa and other developing parts of the world.
“With net assets of $43.3 billion, larger than 70% of the world’s countries, the Gates Foundation is based on the premise that fewer people is the key to economic development and the best way to combat carbon emissions.”
The Foundation supported a series of International Conferences on Family Planning in conjunction with the United Nations Population Fund. One in Addis Ababa in 2013 focused on “universal access to reproductive health, especially [for] young people and other vulnerable groups,” according to UNFPA.
Morse explained:
“Reproductive health is a euphemism for abortion. The goal is to get African nations to make abortion readily available and to encourage Western governments and do-gooders to pour in billions to combat ‘overpopulation.’”
Many Africans beg to differ, such as Nigerian biomedical scientist Obianuju Ekeocha, who said,
“We are thirsty and they give us condoms! We are hungry and they offer us contraceptive pills! We are sick and they offer us the most modern techniques of abortion! We are naked and they lead us into the arms of sexual hedonism! We are imprisoned by poverty and they offer us sexual liberation!”
Morse added:
“The billions spent by the Gates Foundation on abortion and contraception could go toward providing Africans with clean water, medicine and maternal health care. But instead of promoting life, it is used to buy death.
“And Gates’ premise, which is based on the discredited work of population control false prophet Paul Ehrlich, is all wrong. Population growth is a way out of poverty. Some of the world’s most prosperous nations have the largest populations, like the U.S., China and India. In many developing nations, the problem is lower population density than the developed world. The answer for Africa isn’t fewer children, but more.”
Morse spoke in Uganda in 2019 on “The New Colonialism of the Sexual Revolution: An Authentic Catholic Response.”
Don Feder, the Ruth Institute’s Communications Director, will speak at a Family Symposium of the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum on May 14.
[Photo by Zach Vessels on Unsplash]One Comment
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Jennifer, The Gates foundation spending millions on contraception is actually saving the lives of millions. There would be far more abortions otherwise.
If you are serious about having less deaths, then why are there *more* abortions and higher infant mortality under Republican administrations?
Abortion rates are lower under Democrat administrations than under Republican: https://1648o73kablq2rveyn64glm1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/120091434_10157684745921770_7146565952068293810_n.jpg
Likewise deaths of infants after birth is also higher under Republican administrations than Democrat. Perhaps if you are a Christian and want to stop the deaths of babies and young children, perhaps you should be supporting the Gates Foundation and if American, you should be voting for the party that supports affordable healthcare for all.