30,000 Rallied in Melbourne Last Weekend With Another Protest Planned for Saturday

12 November 2021


The Melbourne rally last weekend attracted some 33,000 protesters. This weekend’s event may see similar numbers as Victorians protest the permanent pandemic powers Dan Andrews is seeking to push through the Upper House next week.

Victorians continue to suffer under the Dan Andrews Government and he now wants to make this new state of affairs permanent.

Premier Dan Andrews has been training us for almost two years. We see more compliance now than at the beginning of Covid. Remember ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’? We did speak up about it at first — after all, we had never experienced a government telling us we couldn’t go to work or school and that shops would be closed.

Nevertheless, we buckled down to achieve the goal as a united community. We entertained each other on social media; we put our bins out in creative ways; we formed neighbourhood choirs and sang from the balconies.

But in return, as the years have ticked on, Victorians have been abused with ever-changing rules, severe fines and impossible demands. ‘Two weeks to fatten the curve’ turned out to be a lie — and training ground for ‘two jabs to feed your family’.

“I weep often because there are blocks to warm, open communication,” a friend in Melbourne tells me. “Relationships are undergoing a seismic reshuffle,” she says. There is a whole new set of evaluative and conversational skills that kick in as people assess safety in relationships.

Nothing can be taken for granted anymore. Everything has changed. The propaganda machine has been very effective.

Melbourne’s Freedom Rallies

The freedom rallies taking place in Melbourne are either not reported or are dramatically under-reported. The corporate media mack a mockery of them. Channel Nine’s report by Mark Santomartino, for example, calls the people an “unvaccinated cohort shrinking by the day”. This is an example of why so many have turned their backs on mainline media.


Santomartino may have no idea what Victoria is about to face, but the estimated 33,000 rally-goers from last weekend do.

Attending that rally were vaccinated and unvaccinated, young and old, left and right, religious and unbelieving. They were protesting the so-called Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021, which, if passed, will change life forever in Victoria.


The rallies have been attended by intelligent, informed people who are aware of the law and the policies being debated.

A Look Around the Nation

In South Australia, 3,000 hospital workers showed up at a rally to shed light on why their health care system is overwhelmed despite the state only sustaining four deaths from COVID-19.

These health heroes contest that most hospitalisations are vaccine injured, and that myocarditis is raging among young people. Meanwhile, there is government and media silence on the issue. Thirty of the 38 South Australian patients in ICU for COVID-19 are vaccinated.

In Western Australia, with only nine COVID-19 deaths, you would not expect to see much of an impact on the health care system, yet the hospitals have an apparent influx of patients. Mark McGowan, the Western Australian Premier, said that the hospitals were overloaded and not coping, though he had no idea why this was happening.


It is simply not good enough to claim not to know why. As Graham Hood has remarked, “the vaccine rollout is an experiment, and the idea of an experiment is to see what happens. Well, we’ve seen what happens. Put the doctors and nurses back into the hospitals for a start.”

The question should at least be asked: could our healthcare systems be overrun with vaccine injured people? At this link you will find over 500 videos and over 2,500 photos of vaccine injured people, most of whom we are not being told about. Or consider the story of 14-year-old Sharney:


I have lost count of the number of times I have heard stress and anxiety being blamed for a seizure that has occurred just minutes after a covid jab — and in patients who have never had a seizure before and display no signs of stress or anxiety. This really is ludicrous.

Vaccinated Under Duress

The medical staff who give such diagnoses must be trembling in fear at losing their job because they can’t possibly believe what they’re saying. Others would tremble in fear to remain in a job which demands such a breach of ethics. For such reasons do the rallies continue to grow.

Uncle Bevan Costello, a 65-year-old Wakka Wakka tribal elder, is dead after believing he did the right thing for his community. It is corruption to continue describing the vaccines as simply “safe and effective”. It is an atrocity to coerce these injections with devastating financial and social punishments. The whole situation is unbelievable, yet so many continue to roll up their sleeves.

The rallies are growing. More people are realising that they too will become part of the ‘great unvaxxed’ if they don’t continue to have their booster shots. Their green tick will turn red.

Many did not want the first two jabs, but acquiesced under duress so they could put food on the table and pay mortgages for their families. Some complied, feeling anger and devastation as they were compelled. There are a lot of upset people who feel they’ve been pushed far enough and won’t bow down to the third and subsequent jabs.

Freedom Must Be Kept Alive

Many of these people have spent hundreds of hours of reading and listening to doctors, virologists, scientists and psychologists. They’ve considered the statistics, compared data with previous years, and read history books to understand the fragility of freedom.

In his famous speech, A Time for Choosing, Ronald Reagan said,

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

It is an insult and dishonest to suggest that Victorians will be ‘rewarded’ with freedom when we comply with an ever-increasing list of demands from the government. Freedom is not bestowed upon us by any person and it cannot be given as a reward. It is ours from birth as Australians.

It has shaken many Victorians to realise that the Premier of Victoria has drawn up a bill that hands enormous power to himself and effectively establishes a pandemic dictatorship. To find out more about the dangerous legislation, watch two lawyers explain it on Café Locked Out.

You Can Make a Difference

There are lots of practical things that you can do to make a difference.

  • If you live in Victoria, come to the rally. It’s lots of fun! We are meeting on Saturday 13th November at midday in the city. It will be raining, so bring an umbrella and write your slogans on it!
  • Pray and fast for Victoria this Tuesday 16th November. The Canberra Declaration is calling for 12 hours of prayer and fasting for the state of Victoria from 9am-9pm. Stay tuned for more information.
  • Write to Victoria’s Upper House MPs and ask them to reject the bill.
  • If you are from Victoria, sign this petition. Almost 10,000 people have signed it so far but we need many more signatures before it ends in three days.
  • Write to the office of Australia’s Assistant Attorney General Amanda Stoker. It may be possible for the Federal Government to overrule the Dan Andrews bill if necessary. Stoker has received 10,000 emails since Thursday from all over the country on this matter. The precedent set in Victoria will affect other states too, so you can have a say on this wherever you live.

Image via The Australian.

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  1. Lorraine McGregor 13 November 2021 at 12:26 am - Reply

    Please do all that you can to stop this undemocratic, unbelievably harsh bill which puts unprecedented power into the hands of one man who has already shown that he can’t be trusted.

  2. Lian Peet 13 November 2021 at 8:29 am - Reply

    Well written!

  3. Rod Walsh 13 November 2021 at 11:51 am - Reply

    God bless you Gerardine for standing up for truth in these days of lies and deception. Rod Walsh

  4. Robyn Stephenson 19 November 2021 at 8:21 am - Reply

    So true, Gerardine. Thank you for giving it words. I just wish that there was an alternative media which would put these truths before the ordinary people with the effectiveness of mainstream media. Good job. Robyn

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