
Dictionaries Are Redefining ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ to Silence Opposition to Mandates

13 December 2021


The Merriam-Webster dictionary recently changed the definition of “anti-vaxxer” to include people who oppose vaccine mandates. We are living in 1984 – when arguments are no longer won with logic but lies and twisted language.

I have had most vaccinations available in Australia because I have travelled extensively and have always wanted to do so safely. But despite my near-complete collection of vaccinations, I am – according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary – an “anti-vaxxer”.

In September, Merriam-Webster redefined “anti-vaxxer” to mean “a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination”.

Before you can say ‘George Orwell‘, they had reclassified and demonised a whole segment of the population.

You might be jabbed like a pin cushion, but if you disagree with vaccination mandates, you are now an anti-vaxxer.

I suppose that means the people who wrote the Universal Declaration on Human Rights were “anti-vaxxers”, too.

I’m a Christian, but I don’t think people should be forced to be Christians. Does that mean I’m “anti-Christian?” Probably.

The Lazy Way to Win the Argument On Mandates

Miriam-Webster’s banner advertises that they have been around “since 1828”. In doing so, they suggest that language is defined according to time-honoured etymology. Despite this, they seem to have now conceded that language is entirely political and that meaning is completely fluid.

It is much easier to redefine words to discredit your ideological opponents than to marshal the correct words in a coherent argument. 

This manipulation of dictionary definitions to smear anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers was embraced with zeal by Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner.

On November 22, speaking with an intensity that caused veins to bulge in his neck, he insisted: “I don’t care what your personal vaccinated status is. If you support anyone who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer.

“If you are out there in any way, shape or form campaigning against this mandate you are absolutely anti-vax. Shove it, stuff it. Anyone out there who comes for the mandate, you are anti-vax.”

The Deception is Happening in Broad Daylight

One of the most pernicious ways we have been manoeuvred over the past two years has been by the manipulation of words.

Why bother with nuance, respectful dialogue or understanding when you can simply redefine anyone who disagrees with you right out of polite society?

Merriam-Webster might like to consider redefining “democracy” in time for the next election so that the Chief Name Caller can tell every voter in his kingdom – vaxxed and unvaxxed alike – to “shove it”.

As English author, Sir Terry Pratchett once quipped: “The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake. If you want to find snakes, look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.”

We now routinely speak of people who died “with” rather than “of” Covid.

Vaccination now means providing “protection” rather than “immunity”.

And myocarditis means “extremely rare side-affect hey look over there squirrel have you got your fourth booster shot yet or do you literally want people to die?”

At this rate, retro dictionaries, untainted by the truth police, will be the next Bitcoin.

Image by Alex Kristanas on Unsplash.

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One Comment

  1. Ann Chow 23 December 2021 at 9:22 am - Reply

    Thanks James for writing this article. I agree with you totally. If they want to mislabelled people like us as anti vaxxer , because we don’t want this jab that has many NOT so “rare”side effects such as heart inflammation and stroke, then the problem is really those people who are trying to violate human rights!

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