Save the Babies
We can each take action today to put an end to the scourge of abortion in our nation and save the lives of countless innocent babies, trustingly ensconced in their mothers’ wombs. It is our duty to stop the killing of our future generations. Voiceless, they rely on us to speak up for them.
Somewhere between 60,000 and 80,000 babies are killed in Australia every single year.
That’s about 1 baby every 10 minutes.
Christians should be in outrage about this atrocity. But so often, we aren’t.
In Australia, it is hard to act against abortion. We aren’t allowed near abortion clinics. Lots of abortions happen in hospitals. Many abortions these days are medical abortions before 9 weeks. This is where the mother takes a pill that reduces the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for sustaining the baby in the early stages of pregnancy.
Stand Up, Speak Out
In a recent interview with Evangelicals for Life, MP Bernie Finn gave his advice regarding one step we can take to end abortion.
“If every Christian was to do what they are supposed to do, we would stop abortion tomorrow. No more babies would be killed.”
Bernie continued:
“If everybody said that same thing [to politicians]: if you keep the killing going, then we are coming to get you at the polls. Then they [politicians] would act, because they act in self-interest everytime.”
This interview convicted me. I certainly haven’t been doing enough to help stop abortion in Australia. There are several actions we can take to end abortion:
- Pray that God would bring about the end of abortion
- Get involved in pregnancy help centres like Hope House
- Write to your local MP regularly (via email, or, even better, by physical letter)
- Seek to get a meeting with your local MP to explain your position on abortion
- Turn up to pro-life rallies like March For Life
One that I would like to seek to do more is to write to my local MP as Bernie Finn suggested.
I would like to encourage you to join me in contacting your local MP. To that end, I will be publishing my letters to my MP. Please feel free to copy and send them to your local MP. You can find your local MP contact details here for New South Wales and here for the Federal Government.
May the Lord raise up His people to pray and act to see abortion ended in Australia.
Originally published at A Little Blog on the Christian Life. Photo: Pixabay
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