
Biden Nuclear Secretary Accused of Felony Theft — and a Fraudulent Past

13 December 2022

3.6 MINS

Sam Brinton, a ‘non-binary’ nuclear official in Biden’s Department of Energy, has been charged with felony theft after allegedly stealing women’s luggage at two airports.

With much fanfare over his LGBT identity, Brinton was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in June.

He has since been caught on camera stealing luxury suitcases at both Minneapolis and Las Vegas airports, according to the Daily Mail.

The Department of Energy is refusing to fire Brinton, instead placing him on leave. The White House has so far declined to comment on the scandal.

In the first criminal complaint, it is said that Brinton travelled from Washington DC to Minneapolis without checked luggage. On arrival, he took a suitcase from the carousel, removed and hid its luggage tag in his handbag, and walked off at a quick pace.

In the Las Vegas incident, the bag allegedly stolen by Brinton was valued at US$3,670, which included US$1,700 worth of jewellery.

Brinton has his first hearing in court in Minneapolis on 19 December. He faces up to five years imprisonment, a US$10,000 fine, or both.

A Predictably Dire Diversity Hire

Sam Brinton is one of several high-profile diversity hires of a Biden admin deeply invested in LGBT activism.

“I’ll even be (to my knowledge) the first gender-fluid person in federal government leadership,” Brinton boasted when he was first tapped for the role in February.

At the time, critics of the Biden administration were already sounding the alarm about Sam Brinton’s serious character defects and his unsuitability for the role.

Photos online show Brinton posing with men in bondage gear and dressed as puppies for sexual role-play fetishes. In 2017, Brinton presented a seminar on ‘kink exploration’ at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in which he spoke about domination and how to safely choke a sexual partner.

Despite Brinton’s proud perversions and his recent arrest warrant, his profile remains on the Department of Energy’s website.

“Sam is also a well-known advocate for LGBTQ youth and helped to secure protections against the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy in more than half of the country,” his profile states. “They identify as gender-fluid and use the pronouns they, them, and theirs.”

Brinton is a Fraud: LGBTQ Nation

Among Brinton’s harshest critics is — surprisingly — the online activist rag LGBTQ Nation.

“The red flags regarding Brinton were overwhelming and obvious to all who cared to see them,” according to the outlet. “Unfortunately, some of America’s top LGBTQ+ activists and organizations were willfully blind to Brinton’s shortcomings.”

Brinton first gained notoriety in 2010 when he spoke of the most shocking conversion therapy story that LGBT activists had heard since the 1960s. Brinton told interviewers that he ‘came out’ to his dad at age 11, who swiftly punched him in the face and later sent him to a therapist who tortured Brinton with electrocution in an attempt to erase his homosexual urges.

Despite this testimony, LGBTQ Nation claims that “It remains an open question whether Brinton’s story was contrived or embellished to manipulate high-profile leaders to elevate [himself] into the upper echelons of LGBTQ+ activism and achieve a level of celebrity.”

Why Brinton’s Story is Unlikely

The author of the article unpacks his scepticism about Sam Brinton’s story:

While such practices were more common in the 1950s and 1960s, it was exceedingly rare to find such cases when Brinton allegedly attended therapy, approximately between 1999-2001. The paucity of active cases that employed such barbaric techniques meant that added due diligence was necessary to ascertain the veracity of Brinton’s explosive testimony…

As an LGBTQ+ activist fighting against conversion therapy… I had hoped to work with Brinton to expose the harm of conversion therapy. [His] story was compelling and could influence public opinion against “ex-gay” practices, which has been my life’s mission.

The LGBTQ Nation columnist continues:

Why was Sam Brinton the only survivor of conversion therapy I’ve encountered since 1998 who refused to answer [my] questions? Not only had every other survivor provided this information willingly, but they were eager to fight back…

Despite these eyebrow-raising inconsistencies, and Brinton being the only survivor spokesperson who could not recall the name of [his] therapist, major national organizations elevated Brinton as the face of their anti-conversion therapy programs.

Australian Journalists Take Note

According to the article’s author, it is not just Sam Brinton and his promoters who are to blame:

The media is also culpable in this scandal. In countless stories, not a single reporter from the world’s top publications pressed Brinton to name their counselor. What kind of journalism is this?

Not once did they ask them, “How do you justify crisscrossing the world to ban conversion therapy, yet you won’t lift a finger to stop your therapist, who was far more egregious? Are you not concerned he’s out there still torturing kids?”

They could have asked, “How do you remember every detail of your experience except the ones that would confirm the veracity of your story?”

He concludes, “In the case of the colorful Brinton, all that glitters is not gold. The LGBTQ+ movement must learn from this embarrassing lapse in judgment.”

Journalists in Australia take note. ‘Gay conversion therapy’ has been banned in several Australian states — with Tasmania soon to follow suit — despite no evidence of such therapy taking place in Australia since the 1970s.

‘Gay conversion therapy’ has been a scare-phrase wielded by activists to punish parents and pastors who offer any corrective to teenagers confused about their sexual urges in a hyper-sexualised culture.

Rather than doing the bidding of LGBT activists, Australian journalists should be interrogating them — especially after the Sam Brinton scandal.

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One Comment

  1. Kaylene Emery 13 December 2022 at 5:52 pm - Reply

    This is such a well written and important article in so many ways Kurt thank you . I can only hope that you enjoyed writing it .

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