
The Sexualisation of Children is Our Culture’s Most Pressing Issue

21 April 2023

0.6 MINS

The Left are remaking society from the ground up.

Sky News wrote the following description of this video segment:

The sexualisation of children is now the most “pressing” issue in our culture, says Sky News host James Macpherson.

This comes after a segment of children’s television by Canada’s national broadcaster showed children meeting with drag queens.

“Teaching children to lower their guard around strangers is dangerous – that this is unashamedly out in the open and sponsored by a government broadcaster, that’s wild,” Mr Macpherson said.

“What’s the end game here? Why would the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation want to introduce children to drag queens?

“The better question is why the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation wants to introduce drag queens to children. That question needs to be asked, and urgently.”

View the segment by James Macpherson here:


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report. Photo: Screenshot of Sky News/Youtube.

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  1. Kaylene Emery 21 April 2023 at 11:42 am - Reply

    Why would drag queens want to be around children ? The best question yet asked on this vital issue. Your video links simply require the following- don’t just, listen with your ears when offered the opportunity to listen. Use your eyes as well and as you watch And listen – use your heart.
    God has written His word in our heart, please don’t think He did that because he had nothing better to do ? He wants us to learn – how to discern.

  2. H Harrison 21 April 2023 at 12:06 pm - Reply

    “What’s the end game here” is a good question. It is abuse of children to wreak havoc in them and family, hence society. Again the abuse of terminologies such as tolerance and inclusion causes many to fall for the trap. Many do not believe this is happening. Parents, grandparents, everybody – beware! Pray and share.

  3. Leonie Robson 21 April 2023 at 5:47 pm - Reply

    There’s a truly demonic agenda here.
    Let’s face facts… paedophilia and Child abuse is being normalised by every left leaning media, corporation, entertainment and Governmental agencies.
    Talk about living in end times!
    How we need to protect our children and grandchildren in this dark world!

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