Your Calling Hasn’t Been Banned
Your call hasn’t been banned!
In Victoria we are facing new restrictions. You could argue about Covid-19, you could focus on the causes, the restrictions, the fears of what might happen. It is very tempting to launch (back) into watching shows — cooking shows, sports re-runs, creative shows, trashy shows, anything that’s on — to pass the hours until normal returns.
Do you remember, before all the restrictions? What were you called to do? Were you called to love the Lord your God, with all your heart and mind and strength? Were you called to love your neighbour as yourself?
That hasn’t changed! You’re still you. You still have the same gifts and call on your life. Your job might not still be there, and that’s hard, and that hurts. But you have a calling even greater than your job.
Let the worship leaders still worship! New songs have been released.
Let the preachers still preach! Messages by Wilkerson and Spurgeon are still up, and many new ones too. So many preachers are putting their messages online — you have a multitude to choose from.
Let the prophets still speak!
If God has asked you to seek Him, then seek Him! That hasn’t been banned.
If God has gifted you with music, use the time, don’t waste it! Write songs. Record. Rest. Let creativity bubble up. Write from your pain and from joy you find around you, from the “wrong” feelings and from the right ones — write to honour your Creator and bring all of us nearer to Him.
If you are a pastor, love people and pastor them! Have coffee or dinner over Zoom if that’s what it takes (it does work, we’ve done it). Call people. Post letters. Pray, pray, pray for them, and don’t give up doing good, so that at the right time you will reap a reward.
If you are an evangelist, share your testimony (you still can, even if you aren’t an evangelist!) — check out what Pat, and the amazing crew at Youth for Christ have been doing — many many people have been sharing “hope stories”, 60-second testimonies of why they follow Jesus, with friends and family.
If you are a teacher, how can you use the gifts you have to build up the church? A book? A video? An animation?
What does apostleship look like in this season? I don’t know.
But as a (younger) sister in Christ, if you are one of the ones whose conversation has been all about the rules, the virus, the fears and threats… let’s change the conversation to what we CAN do. Let’s keep our eyes on Christ and what He can do, and not on the weeds of distraction and wealth and worry. (I’m preaching to myself here — I need to hear this. I share it because others do, too).
Let’s seek God for new strategies, ideas and plans. God is the ultimate Creator — He dreamt up the whole universe. He will help you as you ask Him what His ideas are and listen for His response in your life.
Let the pray-ers still pray! There are as many people meeting together now as there were before!
Don’t give up. Let’s not give up doing good, so we can reap a reward at the proper time
What can you do?
Love God — Love Others!
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Thank you for the very relevant reminder.
God bless your ministry.
Thankyou for your very relevant and Spirit led comments. What we are facing in Australia now is an all assault by the kingdom of darkness to destroy our Godly heritage. But as we stand firm and speak the truth in the name of the Lord Jesus, the risen Son of God, His light will overcome all of the darkness.
Great post Alison……much appreciated…..so much prayer needed atm for everywhere in the world….
A timely challenge for the whole Church to turn back to God in repentance, to the love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength, to love our neighbours as much as we love ourselves, and to seek the will of God in all its fullness. Almighty God, we thank you so much for your son Jesus.